(27) Infiltrating Religion


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Almost all peoples of the world have their own ancient myths and legends that discuss man’s creation by their gods, in the image of God, and which lay the foundation of morality and culture for that people. These traditions leave a path of return to Heaven for those who believe in their gods. In the East and West, there are records and legends about how Nüwa and Jehovah created their people.

Gods admonish man to follow the commandments of gods or be punished by them. In times of widespread moral decay, gods destroy man in order to preserve the purity of the universe. Many races in the world have legends about how great floods destroyed civilizations. Some were recorded in detail.

In order to maintain the morality of human beings, there are times when enlightened beings or prophets reincarnate in the human world to rectify people’s hearts, to stop them from being destroyed, and to lead those civilizations to develop and mature. Such individuals include Moses and Jesus in the West, Laozi in the East, Sakyamuni in India, and Socrates in ancient Greece.

Human history and culture help people understand what Buddhas, Taos, and gods are; what it means to believe in God; and how to practice cultivation. The different schools of practice teach what is righteous and what is evil, how to distinguish truth from falsehood and good from evil, and finally they teach man to await the Creator’s return to Earth before the end of the world in order to be saved and return to Heaven.

Once people sever their connection with the god that created them, their morality will quickly deteriorate. Some races thus disappeared, such as the legendary Atlantis civilization, which was buried in the sea overnight.

In the East, especially in China, beliefs are rooted in the hearts of people through traditional culture. Therefore, it is difficult to deceive the Chinese people into accepting atheism with simple lies. In order to uproot the 5,000 years of beliefs and culture, the communist evil specter used large-scale violence to slaughter the elites who had inherited traditional culture and then used lies to deceive young people from generation to generation.

In the West and other parts of the world, religions and beliefs are the main forms of maintaining contact between man and gods, and are also important cornerstones for maintaining moral standards. Although the communist evil specter failed to establish communist tyranny in these countries, it achieved its goal of destroying orthodox religions and corrupting human beings by deception, deviance, and infiltration.


The devil of communism also made systematic arrangements for attacking religious believers in non-communist countries. Through the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the CCP, it used money and spies to infiltrate the religious institutions of other countries, under the pretext of “religious exchange,” to warp righteous beliefs or to directly attack them and introduce socialist and communist ideologies into religion. This then led to believers continuing to worship and practice in religions that had been changed by communist ideology.
a. Infiltrating Religion

Curtis Bowers, producer of the documentary Agenda—Grinding Down America, revealed that he found testimony before Congress in 1953 given by Manning Johnson, a high-level Communist Party member. Johnson said:

Once the tactic of infiltrating religious organizations was set by the Kremlin, the actual mechanics of implementing the ‘new line’ was a question of following the general experiences of the living church movement in Russia where the Communists discovered that the destruction of religion could proceed much faster through infiltration of the church by Communist agents operating within the church itself. …

In general, the idea was to divert the emphasis of clerical thinking from the spiritual to the material and political—by political, of course, is meant politics based on the Communist doctrine of conquest of power. Instead of emphasis towards the spiritual and matters of the soul, the new and heavy emphasis was to deal with those matters which, in the main, led toward the Communist program of ‘immediate demands.’ These social demands, of course, were of such a nature that to fight for them would tend to weaken our present society and prepare it for final conquest by Communist forces.

The devil of communism indeed acted this way. For example, some Marxists disguised themselves and infiltrated Christian churches in the United States. They started to enter the seminaries in the 1980s and 1990s and miseducated generation after generation of priests and pastors who then went on to influence religion in the United States.

The Bulgarian historian Momchil Metodiev, after extensive research in Cold War-era Bulgarian Communist Party archives, exposed the fact that the Eastern European communist intelligence network closely collaborated with the Party religious committees to influence and infiltrate international religious organizations. [5]

On a global scale, one organization that was significantly infiltrated by communism in Eastern Europe was the World Council of Churches (WCC). Established in 1948, the WCC is a worldwide inter-church Christian organization. Its members include churches of various mainline forms of Christianity, representing around 590 million people from 150 different countries. The WCC is thus a major force in world religious circles.

However, the WCC was the first international religious organization to accept communist countries (including the Soviet Union and its subordinate states) as members during the Cold War and to accept financial support from communist countries.

The communist infiltration of the WCC included important victories, such as the election of the Russian Orthodox metropolitan bishop of Leningrad, Nikodim, as president of the WCC in 1975. Another victory was the decades-long role played by Bulgarian communist spy Todor Sabev, who served as deputy general secretary of the WCC between 1979 and 1993. Historian Momchil Metodiev notes that in the 1970s, Nikodim led the infiltration under directions from the KGB, with support from bishops and agents in Bulgaria. [6]

Based on a released KGB file from 1969, historian and Cambridge University professor Christopher Andrew writes that during the Cold War, important Russian Orthodox Church representatives in the WCC secretly worked for the KGB, exerting covert influence on the WCC’s policies and operations. A released KGB file from 1989 shows that these KGB-controlled Russian Orthodox Church representatives successfully inserted their agenda into the WCC’s public communications. [7]

If we understand how the Eastern European communists infiltrated and manipulated the churches, it is not difficult to understand why the WCC disregarded the opposition of its members and insisted on funding the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) in January 1980. The ZANU-PF was a notorious group of communist guerrillas who were known to murder missionaries and shoot down commercial flights.

The WCC was also infiltrated by the CCP through the Chinese Christian Council, a Party tool to control religion. The Council is the only official representative of communist China in the WCC, and due to monetary and other influences, the WCC has for years gone along with CCP interests.

The general secretary of the WCC officially visited China in the beginning of 2018 and met with several Party-controlled Christian organizations, including the Chinese Christian Council, the National Committee of Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches in China, and the State Administration for Religious Affairs. In China, the number of members of non-official Christian groups (underground churches) is far greater than the official ones; yet WCC delegates didn’t arrange to meet with any non-official Christian groups in order to avoid friction with Beijing.
b. Restricting Religion

The infiltration of the communist specter in the West is omnipresent, and religion has been buffeted by ideologies and behavior that vilify God. Ideas like “separation of church and state” and “political correctness” stemming from communism have been used to marginalize and sabotage righteous, orthodox religions.

The United States was built as one nation under God. All U.S. presidents, when sworn in, put their hand on the Bible and ask God to bless America. Nowadays, when religious people criticize behaviors, ideas, and policies that depart from gods, or speak out against abortion or homosexuality, which are forbidden by God, communists in the United States, or the militant Left, go on the offensive. They use “separation of church and state” to say that religion should have nothing to do with politics, and so seek to restrict the will of God, and the admonishments and limitations on human behavior laid down by gods. [Read more]

Various distorted theologies gained currency as communist thought swept through the religious world .
Liberation Theology believes that Christianity should liberate the poor, emphasizes class warfare and the establishment of socialism, and was greatly praised by Fidel Castro, the leader of the Communist Party of Cuba