293 hate whitey threads

to be honest, its a bit sad that you were bored enough to look up how many threads Guano has started......may I suggest a list of more interesting hobbies.......stamp collecting.......jig saw puzzles......looking at belly button lint under a microscope.....
to be honest, its a bit sad that you were bored enough to look up how many threads Guano has started......may I suggest a list of more interesting hobbies.......stamp collecting.......jig saw puzzles......looking at belly button lint under a microscope.....

Lol, I was looking for a certain thread that contained the word "white" in the title that guno started a couple days ago. What came up was an impressive compilation of hate whitey threads.
We all know how much lefties hate the white race, and there are plenty of threads on this forum to demonstrate this. Here is a list of 293 hate whitey threads from just a single user:


Still no work. :laugh:

Godammit, I don't know how to make it work. All I did was copy n paste the link from when I searched the term "white" using thread titles only, under the user name guno. I was looking for a thread he did the other day, and stumbled upon this list of 293 antiwhite threads. It's probably more now...