3 Eggs a day


Worst gambler ever
So, we've been raising chickens here from little chicks and they're finally yielding eggs, three a day among them. They're the best eggs you've ever had, small, brown, and when you crack 'em and put them in a hot pan, they stay together, small but gelatinous.......

Every time i open the coop, they want to get out and frolick, scratch the ground hoping a termite or some other revolting insect will get stirred up in their chicken scratch, and sometimes they get lucky.

Last night, I climbed through the bushes to put them to bed and they were already in their perch.

I had a point, but I forgot already.

I'm high.
So, we've been raising chickens here from little chicks and they're finally yielding eggs, three a day among them. They're the best eggs you've ever had, small, brown, and when you crack 'em and put them in a hot pan, they stay together, small but gelatinous.......

Every time i open the coop, they want to get out and frolick, scratch the ground hoping a termite or some other revolting insect will get stirred up in their chicken scratch, and sometimes they get lucky.

Last night, I climbed through the bushes to put them to bed and they were already in their perch.

I had a point, but I forgot already.

I'm high.
Been takin your Meds? LOL

I think the point is, chickens and their eggs, taste better when the get some exercise, eat some bugs and get gravel in their craw. Wait till one of your roosters gets to be about 3 yo. Make some coq a vin with him. You'll be in heaven!
So, we've been raising chickens here from little chicks and they're finally yielding eggs, three a day among them. They're the best eggs you've ever had, small, brown, and when you crack 'em and put them in a hot pan, they stay together, small but gelatinous.......

A fresh egg should sit up in the frying pan like a young woman's breast. That's why I always have two.
i don't know about you guys....but my experience is, the eggs do taste better, but eating the chickens that you raise or someone else raises, tastes gamey....

i liveded in the south pacific for a year, island totally off the grid, and i liked everything but the chicken, eggs good, fish good, bread fruit good, taro root good, hearts of palm (freshly cut) good, but i don't know the meat of the chicken was weird, even the islanders loved the frozen whole chickens from the US more

whats up with that?
i don't know about you guys....but my experience is, the eggs do taste better, but eating the chickens that you raise or someone else raises, tastes gamey....

i liveded in the south pacific for a year, island totally off the grid, and i liked everything but the chicken, eggs good, fish good, bread fruit good, taro root good, hearts of palm (freshly cut) good, but i don't know the meat of the chicken was weird, even the islanders loved the frozen whole chickens from the US more

whats up with that?
Its what they feed them. Wine country is a new babe here; chickens are still the backbone of the economy. I helped build a feed plant up the road a few years back. The formula is designed to create the most pound of meat per dollar as well as maximize the pounds of meat per pound of feed. You don't want to know what's in the feed brother. :eek:
Dammit, a youngin' who can think?

Grind, Watermark, Epic, et. al. - we are sooo fucking screwed!! I think we're gonna get replaced very soon. Well, not Epic, he's actually quite intelligent, but we'll see what law school does to him...
So, we've been raising chickens here from little chicks and they're finally yielding eggs, three a day among them. They're the best eggs you've ever had, small, brown, and when you crack 'em and put them in a hot pan, they stay together, small but gelatinous.......

Every time i open the coop, they want to get out and frolick, scratch the ground hoping a termite or some other revolting insect will get stirred up in their chicken scratch, and sometimes they get lucky.

Last night, I climbed through the bushes to put them to bed and they were already in their perch.

I had a point, but I forgot already.

I'm high.

The woman who lives next to us, used to have 6 or 7 chickens.
She was alsways giving us eggs.
A fresh egg is way better then store bought.
Do their eggs taste different from eggs you would buy at the supermarket?
i don't know about you guys....but my experience is, the eggs do taste better, but eating the chickens that you raise or someone else raises, tastes gamey....

i liveded in the south pacific for a year, island totally off the grid, and i liked everything but the chicken, eggs good, fish good, bread fruit good, taro root good, hearts of palm (freshly cut) good, but i don't know the meat of the chicken was weird, even the islanders loved the frozen whole chickens from the US more

whats up with that?

Likely the diet. When I lived in Mexico most chickens people owned were free range chickens eating grubs or whatever they could get. US chickens, even those raised on small farms for food, get a lot of grain.