David Jeffrey Spetch
Verified User
Now I know that protecting nature is very appealing and I am for it however I have come to discover over the years (especially the past decade) that when something like this is announced there is usually an ulterior motive or agenda behind it especially with this sick globalist narrative in the foreground these days and their many official sock puppets lying to the public for them about intentions behind their so called plans as is usually predicted and revealed over time.
What's my suspicion in lieu of the many globalist lies and deceptions over the years, this is a rouse to keep the public appeased with the idea of protecting natural environments while also keeping citizens out of specific areas within each country where globalists are likely to build concentration camps or globalist military caps perhaps etc. without anyone knowing due to restriction of citizen access.
Meanwhile they attempt to take away guns from law abiding citizens so not only criminals with their illegal guns can put citizens lives further in danger and even slaughter citizens without immediate threat, but if and when SHTF and globalists move in with their armed forces to enslave the general population left, these camps will likely be where they keep children until the slaughter is complete thus their new slaves I do have my suspicions.
Oh and plastics, just like natural gas and oil suddenly being ripped from supporting our economy with jobs along with more potential employment there is not much replacement solutions provided first to keep Canadians with jobs before replacing plastic thus helping to make us poorer under the guise of good intentions. Oh I have seen the carboard bread ties (don't like them) and straws along with a couple of young ladies making reusable containers refundable for a deposit along with paper bags being used but paper bags are not reliable. This is similar with oil, instead of providing us with the time to come up with alternate solutions they just ram through legislation to cut Canadian jobs thus making Canadians suffer and even killing us. I get that gasoline emissions are toxic along with diesel emissions so I suspect it be a good thing to try and switch over to cleaner energy but to lie to the public about this global warming rhetoric (there is never any proof of such rhetoric because it is BS and over the radio I hear stories about floods with such claims as global warming is responsible for making it worse but never have I seen any proof) as an excuse to cut jobs without giving us time to first develop alternate solutions is making us homeless, killing us and making us suffer for a globalist narrative of which has further killed our economy with a senseless tax. Make up lies to tax us to further a radical agenda is all I see.
Oh and let's not forget fake vaccines (they removed the definition of Vaccine Sept. 10 2021 and replaced the definition with lies to make a killing) to further mame and kill people while deteriorating peoples immune systems thus further reason to not trust globalist narratives of which I am sure WEF members had plenty of shares in Big Pharma before so called covid became a thing while useful idiots signed documents to release big pharma from being held accountable while giving them a huge paycheque at tax payers expense. Not all Canadians want or took their fake jabs yet the burden was put eagerly on us all from country to country.
As I am sure many of you are aware I could go on and on about reasons not to trust globalists like them owning main stream media and using it to force lies upon several countries simultaneously in recent years along with threatening to slander people who oppose their shady narratives like public officials while using their trillions to bully big tech into doing their bidding or go broke enduring endless lawsuits for not complying while using useful idiots to force their rubbish upon the public from country to country like they did with LGBT, Antifa and BLM etc. while also hiding what goes on from country to country as much as they can because exposing it kills their lies and deceptions from spreading. Globalists can't handle a level playing field because all they have are lies and deceptions so they use their every lie, deception and shady tactic to force their rubbish upon all to inevitable divide, conquer and steal from country to country. They even have useful idiots using countires revenue to fund their shady narratives while they get richer off of their sick and filthy scams so yeah, concentration camps and military camps is my suspicion under guise of protecting the environment.
As nature talks unfold, here's what '30 by 30' conservation could mean in Canada
Oh and Elon Musk with Twitter, I am confident Elon had a pole to resign or not because he knew globalist and their sock puppet leftist hate groups of compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers who have abused twitter with spreading their rubbish for years now running amok over flowed Twitter like a cesspool of toxic waste while all those exposing their rubbish got banned thus were no longer there to vote would lead to the vote for him to resign would win. I suspect he wanted to step down. Of course advertisers would pull out of twitter under globalist threat to do such or pay consequences. Not sure if Elon is really in league with globalists or not to buy Twitter to try and help quell uprisings against their globalist BS. kind of like Pierre Poilievre being the leader of the Conservative Party and against WEF rubbish to quell uprisings with false hope of victory for some but again I suspect he is playing a role to assist with quelling public uprising with a glimmer of hope. Let's not forget that voting is like a kick in the face, just you remember that in the next so called election because there is already solid evidence that there is no democracy here in Canada and officials turning backs on democracy, turning backs on citizens to cater to lobbyist dictatorship as proof.
Apparently in the near future to eat, Canadians are going to have to be bobbing on crickets thanks to Justin Trudeau bobbing on globalist back side.
Cricket food production facility gets $8.5 million grant
My condolences to the friends, family and colleagues of Minister Jim Carr.
Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
What's my suspicion in lieu of the many globalist lies and deceptions over the years, this is a rouse to keep the public appeased with the idea of protecting natural environments while also keeping citizens out of specific areas within each country where globalists are likely to build concentration camps or globalist military caps perhaps etc. without anyone knowing due to restriction of citizen access.
Meanwhile they attempt to take away guns from law abiding citizens so not only criminals with their illegal guns can put citizens lives further in danger and even slaughter citizens without immediate threat, but if and when SHTF and globalists move in with their armed forces to enslave the general population left, these camps will likely be where they keep children until the slaughter is complete thus their new slaves I do have my suspicions.
Oh and plastics, just like natural gas and oil suddenly being ripped from supporting our economy with jobs along with more potential employment there is not much replacement solutions provided first to keep Canadians with jobs before replacing plastic thus helping to make us poorer under the guise of good intentions. Oh I have seen the carboard bread ties (don't like them) and straws along with a couple of young ladies making reusable containers refundable for a deposit along with paper bags being used but paper bags are not reliable. This is similar with oil, instead of providing us with the time to come up with alternate solutions they just ram through legislation to cut Canadian jobs thus making Canadians suffer and even killing us. I get that gasoline emissions are toxic along with diesel emissions so I suspect it be a good thing to try and switch over to cleaner energy but to lie to the public about this global warming rhetoric (there is never any proof of such rhetoric because it is BS and over the radio I hear stories about floods with such claims as global warming is responsible for making it worse but never have I seen any proof) as an excuse to cut jobs without giving us time to first develop alternate solutions is making us homeless, killing us and making us suffer for a globalist narrative of which has further killed our economy with a senseless tax. Make up lies to tax us to further a radical agenda is all I see.
Oh and let's not forget fake vaccines (they removed the definition of Vaccine Sept. 10 2021 and replaced the definition with lies to make a killing) to further mame and kill people while deteriorating peoples immune systems thus further reason to not trust globalist narratives of which I am sure WEF members had plenty of shares in Big Pharma before so called covid became a thing while useful idiots signed documents to release big pharma from being held accountable while giving them a huge paycheque at tax payers expense. Not all Canadians want or took their fake jabs yet the burden was put eagerly on us all from country to country.
As I am sure many of you are aware I could go on and on about reasons not to trust globalists like them owning main stream media and using it to force lies upon several countries simultaneously in recent years along with threatening to slander people who oppose their shady narratives like public officials while using their trillions to bully big tech into doing their bidding or go broke enduring endless lawsuits for not complying while using useful idiots to force their rubbish upon the public from country to country like they did with LGBT, Antifa and BLM etc. while also hiding what goes on from country to country as much as they can because exposing it kills their lies and deceptions from spreading. Globalists can't handle a level playing field because all they have are lies and deceptions so they use their every lie, deception and shady tactic to force their rubbish upon all to inevitable divide, conquer and steal from country to country. They even have useful idiots using countires revenue to fund their shady narratives while they get richer off of their sick and filthy scams so yeah, concentration camps and military camps is my suspicion under guise of protecting the environment.
As nature talks unfold, here's what '30 by 30' conservation could mean in Canada
Oh and Elon Musk with Twitter, I am confident Elon had a pole to resign or not because he knew globalist and their sock puppet leftist hate groups of compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers who have abused twitter with spreading their rubbish for years now running amok over flowed Twitter like a cesspool of toxic waste while all those exposing their rubbish got banned thus were no longer there to vote would lead to the vote for him to resign would win. I suspect he wanted to step down. Of course advertisers would pull out of twitter under globalist threat to do such or pay consequences. Not sure if Elon is really in league with globalists or not to buy Twitter to try and help quell uprisings against their globalist BS. kind of like Pierre Poilievre being the leader of the Conservative Party and against WEF rubbish to quell uprisings with false hope of victory for some but again I suspect he is playing a role to assist with quelling public uprising with a glimmer of hope. Let's not forget that voting is like a kick in the face, just you remember that in the next so called election because there is already solid evidence that there is no democracy here in Canada and officials turning backs on democracy, turning backs on citizens to cater to lobbyist dictatorship as proof.
Apparently in the near future to eat, Canadians are going to have to be bobbing on crickets thanks to Justin Trudeau bobbing on globalist back side.
Cricket food production facility gets $8.5 million grant

My condolences to the friends, family and colleagues of Minister Jim Carr.
Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!