34 Children Killed In Lebanon By IDF

That's all very well, but they were warned to leave.

You do need a car, everyone's got at least one, and some petrol. Now where would you get some fuel from? I know, the local petrol station...oh...it's disappeared in a large ball of flame you say? Then what about the other one? It's shut you say? I find that difficult to believe. Who wouldn't want to sit on top of a large store of highly flammable material when high explosives are whizzing about overhead?

It's not as if there would be a shortage of petrol or anything. I'm sure deliveries are carrying on as per usual. Surely, even though the Israelis have bombed the roads and bridges, skilful tanker drivers will be queuing up for the overtime.

So, once you've got your car filled up and negotiated the natural hazards, such as rivers, you're home free. Well, you've got nowhere to actually go, but at least you're safe. What do you mean you're likely to come under air attack?. Ah, well, you see you could be terrorists. I know they told you to go but they can't be too careful when protecting civilians. Yes, i know you are civilians but you're not Israeli civilians, so you don't really count.

You should have rung up the Israeli military before you left. It's not as if they're not in the phone book. Only last week those chaps in the UN outpost, you know the one; white building, large 'U' and 'N' on the side, out in the open; they called the Israelis many times to ask them to stop shelling. It took a while but the mesage finally got through. Well, they stopped calling anyway.

So, it's really your own fault.

"Leave now we're going to bomb you"...BANG!...not our fault, we gave you a warning. We have some standards, you know.