35,000 more troops to deploy



Is there anyone here who believes one word of this BS? Or thinks for one second that we are getting out of Iraq this year, or next? Not unless we impeach them. How long does a "surge' last anyway?

Pentagon Tells 35,000: Prepare to Deploy

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has notified more than 35,000 Army soldiers to be prepared to deploy to Iraq beginning this fall, a move that would allow commanders to maintain the ongoing buildup of troops through the end of the year if needed.

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said Tuesday the deployment orders, which have been signed by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, do not mean that the military has made a decision to keep the increased level of 20 brigades in Iraq through December. A brigade is roughly 3,500 soldiers.

Instead, he said the decision gives the Pentagon the "capability" to carry the buildup to the end of the year. The replacement forces, Whitman said, would give commanders in Iraq the flexibility they need to complete the mission there.

The announcement, said Whitman, has "nothing to do" with a decision to extend the troop buildup. He said the Pentagon "has been very clear that a decision about the duration of the surge will depend on conditions on the ground."


Is there anyone here who believes one word of this BS? Or thinks for one second that we are getting out of Iraq this year, or next? Not unless we impeach them. How long does a "surge' last anyway?

Pentagon Tells 35,000: Prepare to Deploy

They're all lying.

It's been pointed out that when John Boner said on the sunday talk shows, that the GOP congress would give bush unitl september to prove the surge worked, that he actually said last january that we "should know in 90 days if the surge works". That would be NOW, whether we know if the surge works.

It's like one of those Tom Friedman time units. These a-holes keep moving the goal posts back. Trying to tread water, until they can hand their damn failed war off to the next president.

It's all about politics with these warmongers.
They're all lying.

It's been pointed out that when John Boner said on the sunday talk shows, that the GOP congress would give bush unitl september to prove the surge worked, that he actually said last january that we "should know in 90 days if the surge works". That would be NOW, whether we know if the surge works.

It's like one of those Tom Friedman time units. These a-holes keep moving the goal posts back. Trying to tread water, until they can hand their damn failed war off to the next president.

It's all about politics with these warmongers.

I know. I don't think they're going to do anything in September, besides come up with another excuse why we need "six more months" and "then we'll know".
I know. I don't think they're going to do anything in September, besides come up with another excuse why we need "six more months" and "then we'll know".

Remember that's what I said last week? That republicans will fundamentally never bail on Bush and his war, even though they'll try to make some cosmetic moves to make it look like they're putting distance between them and him?

God, I hate being brilliant and right all the time! ;)


Is there anyone here who believes one word of this BS? Or thinks for one second that we are getting out of Iraq this year, or next? Not unless we impeach them. How long does a "surge' last anyway?

Pentagon Tells 35,000: Prepare to Deploy

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has notified more than 35,000 Army soldiers to be prepared to deploy to Iraq beginning this fall, a move that would allow commanders to maintain the ongoing buildup of troops through the end of the year if needed.

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said Tuesday the deployment orders, which have been signed by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, do not mean that the military has made a decision to keep the increased level of 20 brigades in Iraq through December. A brigade is roughly 3,500 soldiers.

Instead, he said the decision gives the Pentagon the "capability" to carry the buildup to the end of the year. The replacement forces, Whitman said, would give commanders in Iraq the flexibility they need to complete the mission there.

The announcement, said Whitman, has "nothing to do" with a decision to extend the troop buildup. He said the Pentagon "has been very clear that a decision about the duration of the surge will depend on conditions on the ground."


Okay Darla...ya are great with diatribes...so what is your solution?..keeping in mind that Dem's escalated the VN war under Johnson and all...then chickened out when the fire was hot!
Pun on Cypress..the Greek...!

Remember that's what I said last week? That republicans will fundamentally never bail on Bush and his war, even though they'll try to make some cosmetic moves to make it look like they're putting distance between them and him?

God, I hate being brilliant and right all the time! ;)

and thats what the 'Spartans' said...before overwhelming numbers of 'Persians' kicked their butts...back in the day!:rolleyes:
What the hell is that? No wonder you are a party of one usc, if that is your picture! ;)

ROTFLMAO, thought it would be worth some giggles and gags too. Just found that on the net and thought it was a hoot. Not as classy as your old avitar though Darla.
Have to change it soon though it sort of turns my stomach to look at.