36 States Sue Google Over App Store Practices; Utah’s AG Calls Google’s Monopoly a ‘M


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36 States Sue Google Over App Store Practices; Utah’s AG Calls Google’s Monopoly a ‘Menace’


A moment of silence Wednesday for the lives lost in the deadly condo collapse in Surfside, Florida… As first responders make a painful pivot from search and rescue to recovery mode. The mayor called the decision “an extremely difficult one.” The death toll rose to 60, as six more bodies recovered Thursday morning. 80 still unaccounted for. Many family members turned to legal action, filing at least 6 lawsuits. This comes as a grand jury in Florida seeks ways to prevent another building collapse. Google is being hit with a slew of lawsuits. 36 states are suing the tech giant over its app store practices. The 144-page suit alleges Google holds a monopoly on android app distribution in the United States — responsible for over 90 percent of app downloads for android devices. On top of that, it claims Google has used restrictive contracts to force android device makers to promote the Google play store —at the expense of competition. The suit also takes aim at the up to 30-percent commission fees Google charges developers for in-app purchases. And Tokyo declares a state of emergency in Japan ahead of the #SummerOlympics. The state of emergency goes into effect on July 12 until August 22 amid surging COVID-19 cases. Another big change? No spectators will fill the stands for this year’s games. The initial plan was to cap domestic viewers at 50% of capacity, up to 10,000 people. There’s been widespread public concern that the influx of thousands of athletes and officials will fuel a fresh wave of infections. Tune into Deep Dive as we explore these topics and more.