373m Chinese under full or partial lockdowns; US bans anti-satellite missile tests


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373m Chinese under full or partial lockdowns; US bans anti-satellite missile tests


China In Focus

How many people are under lockdown orders in China? A new report found the number covers more people than the entire U.S. population. Under Beijing’s “Zero-Cases Policy,” those who test positive for COVID-19 are sent to quarantine centers. But what happens to their pets? Photos and video of one incident paint a grim picture. Energy independence vs. climate concerns—the issue marks a fine line for the United States as Washington struggles to find a balance. But the most controversial part of the issue might be coming from somewhere else. China will soon send more astronauts into orbit, despite getting blocked from using the International Space Station. A group of Chinese companies is suing the Israeli government. We zoom in on the dispute and its apparent ties to the United States.