I mean, the probability is pretty low right? Slightly lower than Russian roulette, for sure.
Well if you play Russian Roulette properly, you have a near zero chance of getting shot (the weight of the bullet will alwasy ensure that it is in the bottom chamber after it finishes spinning).

But realistically, you have a very low chance of getting shot as long as you are not A) a drug dealer or B) some other criminal.

Seriously. I'm a bald, goateed, tattooed white guy and I go walking and driving around all types of neighborhoods at all types of hours. I know I'm not wanted in a few, but the only times I've been shot at were genuinely my fault.
What did you do, oh provocative one? :clink:
Two times it was a bar owner chasing me and some friends out after....doing things I shouldn't have been doing.

The third time I thought it would be funny to egg a house. Got a warning shot (I think) for my troubles. After that I stopped being a dick. Well, that kind of dick anyways.
Two times it was a bar owner chasing me and some friends out after....doing things I shouldn't have been doing.

The third time I thought it would be funny to egg a house. Got a warning shot (I think) for my troubles. After that I stopped being a dick. Well, that kind of dick anyways.

Dammit. My warning shot missed.
Were you urinating in the bar, dancing on the bar, or banging chicks in the bar?
Fighting in the bar. My friends started it. Property was damaged (a lot of it). Also, I got in with a fake I.D., so there was no way I'd be staying for a police report.