4 JPP lefties brag about their sons

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head
4 JPP lefties got together to bullshit. After they obsessed about Legion, Top, and Trump for a hour, one got up to visit the restroom.

While he was gone, one JPP lefty said "My son is awesome. After working his way up the ladder at a big corporation, he became the CEO. He makes so much money that he bought his best friend a brand new Tesla for his birthday".

The second JPP lefty snorted dismissively. "That's nothing. MY son went into the construction business and became the largest residential developer in the state. He's so rich he gave his best friend a fully-furnished oceanfront condo".

The third JPP lefty hooted with derision. "Well, big deal. MY son learned to fly and became an airline pilot. Before long, he bought so many shares that he's now the majority shareholder in the airline he flies for. He's so wealthy that he gave a friend of his a Gulfstream jet for his birthday".

Just then, the fourth JPP lefty returned.

Seeing their expressions, he asked "What are you three glaring at each other for"?

The third JPP lefty said, "We were just comparing notes on how rich our sons are, and I put these two braggarts in their place. How about your son. What does he do"?

The fourth JPP lefty swallowed hard and said, "Well, my son is a dancer in a gay bar".

The other three began to laugh.

"You poor bastard", the first JPP lefty blurted out, laughing. "I bet that pays dick", the second JPP lefty howled, as he fell to the floor holding his sides. "You must be SO proud", the third JPP lefty growled between guffaws.

"Well, yes, the proud JPP lefty said, quietly. "My son does very well financially. In fact, last week for his birthday, he got a brand new Tesla, a fully-furnished oceanfront condo, and a a Gulfstream jet".