45 continues to prove he is a liar and a hypocrite when it comes to spying.


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Its amazing 45 can keep up with his amounts of daily lies, threats, bs, intimidations and other tyrannical atrocities of his and his unsanitary cabinet against society. Yet, in particular, the 45 devil has hatched a new conspiracy against innocent people and without any evidence. This is when it comes to accusing others of spying on him during his deplorable and fraudulent campaign, considering the deck was staked in his favor when it comes to lawlessly hacking and rigging the tyrant in there in violation of U.S. Constitutional law. As such, 45's so-called campaign which caused many idiots to fall for the devil after being conned with all that hate and lies 45 fed them, was not the ultimate reason this demon entered the White House. Yet, this atrocity has something to do with foreign demagogues hacking states' voting systems, corrupting U.S. politicians and antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies working together that in particular destroyed the credibility of the electoral college in 45's favor, and at being a heinous violation of U.S. Constitutional law. So now the 45 devil is accusing others of spying on him but in fact, the disgusting SOB's latest threats include spying on disabled people who apply for disability benefits that they as taxpayers paid for and to which it should be the SS administration, a medical or psychiatric doctor or a administration judge that should decide their case. This instead of a felonious, obstruction of justice and treasonous criminal 45 squatted in the White House playing so-called president ripping off the taxpayer for his and his cronies gain:

"A new policy proposal by the Trump administration calls for the surveillance of disabled people’s social media profiles to determine the necessity of their disability benefits. The proposal, which reportedly aims to cut down on the number of fraudulent disability claims would, monitor the profiles of disabled people and flag content that shows them doing physical activities. When it comes down to it, the policy dictates that disabled people shouldn’t be seen living their lives for fear of losing vital financial aid and, possibly, medical care. "

source: forbes .com
Generally, crackdowns like this and on welfare recipients costs more than it saves. Like drug testing welfare people. The tests cost more than what is recouped. Rightys just feel good when they can demonize others.
Generally, crackdowns like this and on welfare recipients costs more than it saves. Like drug testing welfare people. The tests cost more than what is recouped. Rightys just feel good when they can demonize others.

If you get rid of welfare programs and let all you bleeding hearts that claim you care so much for others prove it by giving them your money, we'd save billions. Lefties make themselves feel good claiming they care knowing they'll never do with their own what they believe others should be forced to do.
Retirement income which includes disability benefits are paid by the working and middle class taxpayer based on FICA tax deductions that are not some asinine idea of social welfare or entitlements but earned benefits. Additionally, these taxpayer paid for benefits are not part of the general budget but are a separate trust fund; which for the most part keeps it same from repuke tyrants like tRump and other lawless demagogues at plundering it. Now if someone despises how America operates, get the heck out or never dome to it and not be bothered with what goes on in America.
If you get rid of welfare programs and let all you bleeding hearts that claim you care so much for others prove it by giving them your money, we'd save billions. Lefties make themselves feel good claiming they care knowing they'll never do with their own what they believe others should be forced to do.

You already saved Billions giving the rich a tax break.
Now you want more billions at the expense of the poor.
Burn in hell scum.
Retirement income which includes disability benefits are paid by the working and middle class taxpayer based on FICA tax deductions that are not some asinine idea of social welfare or entitlements but earned benefits. Additionally, these taxpayer paid for benefits are not part of the general budget but are a separate trust fund; which for the most part keeps it same from repuke tyrants like tRump and other lawless demagogues at plundering it. Now if someone despises how America operates, get the heck out or never dome to it and not be bothered with what goes on in America.

Typical Dem, loves fraud and screwing hard working people. You should support an effort to detect people faking disability, even if it means viewing their public Facebook pages. It seems like a very cheap method to detect fraud against the government. Disability fraud is very common. Next time, moron, how about you title your thread to indicate what specifically you're bitching about?
Typical Dem, loves fraud and screwing hard working people. You should support an effort to detect people faking disability, even if it means viewing their public Facebook pages. It seems like a very cheap method to detect fraud against the government. Disability fraud is very common. Next time, moron, how about you title your thread to indicate what specifically you're bitching about?

You dumb shit, do you think the left does not work? Is extremely rare the same as very common to you? https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-...95559-social-secuity-disability-fraud-is-rare
A new policy proposal by the Trump administration calls for the surveillance of disabled people’s social media profiles to determine the necessity of their disability benefits. The proposal, which reportedly aims to cut down on the number of fraudulent disability claims would, monitor the profiles of disabled people and flag content that shows them doing physical activities.
OMG! cutting out fraudulent disability claims - how awful!! :rolleyes:
damn that Trump for making sure disability claims go only to the disabled!!
You already saved Billions giving the rich a tax break.
Now you want more billions at the expense of the poor.
Burn in hell scum.

Why do you oppose helping those you claim need help with YOUR money, hypocrite?

Talk about burning in hell.

As for billions coming from the poor, that's impossible. If they could provide it, they're not poor.