45 inciting violence against Omar translates to this criminal inciting war on the U.S


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When it comes to this fake so-called president, demagogue, dictator wannabe, rampaging tyrant and a fraud tRump inciting felonious violence against a Congress member as in Omar, the tyrant is basically inciting war against Congress, U.S. Constitutional law and the common decency of Democracy. Now as expected this redacted or corrupted Mueller report hashed out by 45's hired help in sedition and treason Barr at being a disgrace to the entire nation and a embarrassment on the world, is another un Constitutional atrocity and felonious unAmerican game playing. Yet the 45 devil at having a criminal in the White House is something that amounts as a imminent threat on the State, democracy and the common decency of society. This includes 45 who uses fellow criminals to cover for his felonious hide. For this 45 tyrant to start conspiring against citizens' well being with violence, further proves this so-called president is no president but a terrorist. I still have faith that Justice will correct this terrible wrong done on society and humanity at quashing this 45 regime of uncivilized criminals who all deserve to be sitting prisoners as opposed to being felonious antigovernment conspiring tyrants squatted at the White House and elsewhere. 45 is no good and I would love to see the expression on the faces of his kissers when Justice causes this imposter and fraud of a so-called president bites the dust.

"The most fair reading of president Donald Trump’s persistent attacks on Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is that the president has entered the Henry II phase of his tyranny. During one of his disputes with Archbishop Thomas Beckett, Henry II is said to have exclaimed, “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” (he didn’t really say it that way)—and, later, four knights assassinated Thomas Beckett, believing they were acting on the king’s orders. One assumes that our barely literate, intellectually incurious, spiritually bankrupt president has never heard the story, but one imagines he’d like it if Stephen Miller read it to him at bedtime."

Source: Donald Trump Isn’t Playing Games With Ilhan Omar—He’s Inciting Violence
And he’s going to keep inciting violence until someone gets killed. By By Elie Mystal
April 16, 2019. Retrieved from thenation.com /article /trump-inciting-violence-ilhan-omar/
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When it comes to this fake so-called president, demagogue, dictator wannabe, rampaging tyrant and a fraud tRump inciting felonious violence against a Congress member as in Omar, the tyrant is basically inciting war against Congress, U.S. Constitutional law and the common decency of Democracy. Now as expected this redacted or corrupted Mueller report hashed out by his hired help in sedition and treason Barr at being a disgrace to the entire nation and a embarrassment on the world at having a criminal in the White House who uses fellow criminals to cover for his felonious hide, for this tyrant to start conspiring against citizens' well being with violence, further proves this so-called president is no president but a terrorist. I still have faith that Justice will correct this terrible wrong done on society and humanity at quashing this 45 regime of uncivilized criminals who all deserve to be setting prisoners as opposed to being felonious antigovernment conspiring tyrants squatted at the White House and elsewhere. 45 is no good and I would love to see the expression on the faces of his kissers when Justice causes this imposter and fraud of a so-called president bites the dust:

"The most fair reading of president Donald Trump’s persistent attacks on Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is that the president has entered the Henry II phase of his tyranny. During one of his disputes with Archbishop Thomas Beckett, Henry II is said to have exclaimed, “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” (he didn’t really say it that way)—and, later, four knights assassinated Thomas Beckett, believing they were acting on the king’s orders. One assumes that our barely literate, intellectually incurious, spiritually bankrupt president has never heard the story, but one imagines he’d like it if Stephen Miller read it to him at bedtime."

Source: Donald Trump Isn’t Playing Games With Ilhan Omar—He’s Inciting Violence
And he’s going to keep inciting violence until someone gets killed. By By Elie Mystal
April 16, 2019. Retrieved from thenation.com /article /trump-inciting-violence-ilhan-omar/

The corrupted version of the Mueller report is only acceptable to a traitor and enemy of America. Now where is the full and completely transparent version, although I am sure real American Congress persons in particular will ensure Justice is served in this case. The GOP, their Russian puppet 45 racket and antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies are the witches what should be sucked up in a cyclone of Justice and put asunder.
The corrupted version of the Mueller report is only acceptable to a traitor and enemy of America. Now where is the full and completely transparent version, although I am sure real American Congress persons in particular will ensure Justice is served in this case. The GOP, their Russian puppet 45 racket and antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies are the witches what should be sucked up in a cyclone of Justice and put asunder.



trump is responsible for the murders of at least 100 people.

Parkland mass shooter is a trump supporter
Las Vegas mass shooter was a far right white supremacist trump supporter.
Pittsburgh synagogue mass shooter was a far right white supremacist trump supporter.
New Zealand terrorist is a white supemacist trump supporter.

What odds the NEXT mass shooting in America will be committed by another white supremacist trump supporter.

And IF anything happens to congresswoman Omar - or any other democrat - will be trump's responsibility.

The trumptards bleat about the 4 Benghazi deaths but they have no problem with the 100 plus dead people that trump is responsible for!!!
trump is responsible for the murders of at least 100 people.

Parkland mass shooter is a trump supporter
Las Vegas mass shooter was a far right white supremacist trump supporter.
Pittsburgh synagogue mass shooter was a far right white supremacist trump supporter.
New Zealand terrorist is a white supemacist trump supporter.

What odds the NEXT mass shooting in America will be committed by another white supremacist trump supporter.

And IF anything happens to congresswoman Omar - or any other democrat - will be trump's responsibility.

The trumptards bleat about the 4 Benghazi deaths but they have no problem with the 100 plus dead people that trump is responsible for!!!

Do you still have a relationship with the child you were forced to give birth to, after the rape??
trump is responsible for the murders of at least 100 people.

Parkland mass shooter is a trump supporter
Las Vegas mass shooter was a far right white supremacist trump supporter.
Pittsburgh synagogue mass shooter was a far right white supremacist trump supporter.
New Zealand terrorist is a white supemacist trump supporter.

What odds the NEXT mass shooting in America will be committed by another white supremacist trump supporter.

And IF anything happens to congresswoman Omar - or any other democrat - will be trump's responsibility.

The trumptards bleat about the 4 Benghazi deaths but they have no problem with the 100 plus dead people that trump is responsible for!!!

And Omar's people did 9/11 ......
The corrupted version of the Mueller report is only acceptable to a traitor and enemy of America. Now where is the full and completely transparent version, although I am sure real American Congress persons in particular will ensure Justice is served in this case. The GOP, their Russian puppet 45 racket and antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies are the witches what should be sucked up in a cyclone of Justice and put asunder.
There's no such thing as your idea of a full and completely transparent version.

there IS, however, a completely bullshit version brewing deep in the asshole of the democrat party.
When it comes to this fake so-called president, demagogue, dictator wannabe, rampaging tyrant and a fraud tRump inciting felonious violence against a Congress member as in Omar, the tyrant is basically inciting war against Congress, U.S. Constitutional law and the common decency of Democracy. Now as expected this redacted or corrupted Mueller report hashed out by 45's hired help in sedition and treason Barr at being a disgrace to the entire nation and a embarrassment on the world, is another un Constitutional atrocity and felonious unAmerican game playing. Yet the 45 devil at having a criminal in the White House is something that amounts as a imminent threat on the State, democracy and the common decency of society. This includes 45 who uses fellow criminals to cover for his felonious hide. For this 45 tyrant to start conspiring against citizens' well being with violence, further proves this so-called president is no president but a terrorist. I still have faith that Justice will correct this terrible wrong done on society and humanity at quashing this 45 regime of uncivilized criminals who all deserve to be sitting prisoners as opposed to being felonious antigovernment conspiring tyrants squatted at the White House and elsewhere. 45 is no good and I would love to see the expression on the faces of his kissers when Justice causes this imposter and fraud of a so-called president bites the dust.

"The most fair reading of president Donald Trump’s persistent attacks on Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is that the president has entered the Henry II phase of his tyranny. During one of his disputes with Archbishop Thomas Beckett, Henry II is said to have exclaimed, “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” (he didn’t really say it that way)—and, later, four knights assassinated Thomas Beckett, believing they were acting on the king’s orders. One assumes that our barely literate, intellectually incurious, spiritually bankrupt president has never heard the story, but one imagines he’d like it if Stephen Miller read it to him at bedtime."

Source: Donald Trump Isn’t Playing Games With Ilhan Omar—He’s Inciting Violence
And he’s going to keep inciting violence until someone gets killed. By By Elie Mystal
April 16, 2019. Retrieved from thenation.com /article /trump-inciting-violence-ilhan-omar/

Yada, yada, yada!!!!! Another HATE TRUMP hysteria thread! A typical example of how democrats & other leftist are bringing America & Americans together again!!! SICK!!!!!