5.3 quake in California


Staff member
How’s all our Californians? Hope there is no damage.
I haven’t turned on news, just got an alert on my phone.
Top of the afternoon to you!

I didn't feel anything, nada, zilch; the epicenter was apparently offshore in the Santa Barbara channel.
I'm not teasing you Rana, but I texted my mom after I saw you post and she was like... What? What earthquake.

Fire, flood, and earthquake, California's three seasons.
Earthquakes are kind of weird. We had one several years ago when i was sitting on the toilet. Nobody else even noticed it, but it was very noticeable on the crapper. I guess the sewer lines magnified the effect or something.
Thank goodness, glad you are well and safe

Kind of you to inquire.

I have always thought my life in California is more likely to end in a wildfire....or by great white shark!!

I guess I have to worry about property damage, but luckily I travel light!
When I was a kid, we used to get small tremors of the 2.0-4.0 variety. I'm such a heavy sleeper that I actually rolled out of bed during a couple of the 4.0 quakes, and woke-up on the floor. Ever since the 6.8 earthquake of Ash Wednesday, 2001, we haven't really had any more. Of course, the incident created an ongoing traffic debacle regarding Seattle's Alaskan Way Why-A-Duck.