5 critical dixie mistakes


Villified User
1. Voting for Bush in 2000.
2. Supporting the Iraq war.
3. Believing that the WMD's are hidden in tunnels in Syria.
4. Voting for Bush in 2004.
5. Acting like he knows anything about 1/3.
yeah 5 was extremely limiting. I just put the high points in.

I did not mention his doubting that we would not have 500 dead in Iraq either.
yeah 5 was extremely limiting. I just put the high points in.

I did not mention his doubting that we would not have 500 dead in Iraq either.

Naw, I just didn't want to get in on the contemporary. I am this obsessed historian who still argues the political battles of the late 18th, the 19th, and the early to mid-20th centuries. For some reason, arguing about Adams v. Jefferson, Q. Adams v. Jackson, Lincoln v. Douglass, Civil Wa/Reconstruction, Taft v. Wilson and TR, Hoover & FDR roles in Depression, Truman's corruption of George F. Keenan's reccommendations, and Kennedy v. Nixon get me really inflamed. Today, McCain v. Obama and economy/terror threat just make me shrug and go "meh." Too much damage has long since been done to the principles of our republican government to make me emotionally invested in what goes on in the present. There was that brief period where I voted and cheered for Ron Paul, though...