‘5 More Years of Zero-COVID,’ Says Beijing Official; FCC Wants TikTok Banned


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‘5 More Years of Zero-COVID,’ Says Beijing Official; FCC Wants TikTok Banned


China Insider
David Zhang

This week, Beijing declared “five more years” of zero-COVID. To everyone’s surprise, they backtracked and claimed it was an “error” and a “mistake” on the part of the reporter. So do we expect China to go with hard lockdowns and mass testing for the next five years? Or is this all just political? And what about Shanghai’s lockdown?

Plus, I speak with Arthur Herman, an expert on data, machine learning, and quantum computers, about the threat of China using big data, surveillance, and AI to wage a data war against the United States. This is as FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr asks Google and Apple to ban TikTok, what he calls the “sheep’s clothing” of the app’s ability to spy on Americans.