5 Ways Trump Would Blow up the Economy

Let's see...

First this doddering old coot starts off with an irrelevant appeal to authority citing "economists."

Then he goes into tariffs. He's wrong there too. Tariffs change behavior just like taxes. There is content requirement that cars in the US be mostly made in the US. If not, there's a big tariff on them being imported. Car makers like Toyota and BMW simply built plants in the US to meet those rules and avoid the tariff. There is no reason that this time around the same thing wouldn't happen.

Then he brings up Project 2025 repeating the lie Trump is all in on that. Corporate mergers happen. So what? That doesn't equate to monopolies. Then he babbles about oil and gas without a shred of evidence.

Next, he says Trump will kill off the Biden Harris "clean energy" incentives. Great! Going green is grotesquely expensive. It raises prices immensely. That is proven by the cost of energy in countries and states that have gone all in on it, like California where the cost of a KW or electricity is almost double that of any other state in the lower 48.

As for fuel efficiency standards, the EPA's latest round of increases on that have Congress trying to pass a bill to nix them completely. It is argued that they will force EV adoption.

Then he brings up the canard about the US economy being strong right now. The economy sucks. Inflation is still higher than before Biden. More people are unemployed (per the labor utilization rate not the useless U30 measure at about 64% employment) than have been in decades. Then he says the dollar is worth more against other currencies, that's sour grapes unless you're some millionaire money trader.

Last this retard tries to tell us that the US workforce would be "decimated" if Trump started deporting masses of illegals. WTF? How many illiterate, or semi-literate morons with a less than 8th grade, often less than 6th grade education do we need? Then he says this is entails "horrific moral consequences." WTF #2? Arresting and deporting people who are criminally / illegally in the US is immoral? Doing something about crime is immoral? How utterly retarded is that?

What do I think will happen if they're deported? Pay for those jobs will rise. The quality of work done will increase too. Some of it may be automated. The moron in that video thinks it's great we're exploiting Turd World peasants to keep prices low.

If anyone has no understanding of the economy, it's the old coot in that video.
Let's see...

First this doddering old coot starts off with an irrelevant appeal to authority citing "economists."

Then he goes into tariffs. He's wrong there too. Tariffs change behavior just like taxes. There is content requirement that cars in the US be mostly made in the US. If not, there's a big tariff on them being imported. Car makers like Toyota and BMW simply built plants in the US to meet those rules and avoid the tariff. There is no reason that this time around the same thing wouldn't happen.

Then he brings up Project 2025 repeating the lie Trump is all in on that. Corporate mergers happen. So what? That doesn't equate to monopolies. Then he babbles about oil and gas without a shred of evidence.

Next, he says Trump will kill off the Biden Harris "clean energy" incentives. Great! Going green is grotesquely expensive. It raises prices immensely. That is proven by the cost of energy in countries and states that have gone all in on it, like California where the cost of a KW or electricity is almost double that of any other state in the lower 48.

As for fuel efficiency standards, the EPA's latest round of increases on that have Congress trying to pass a bill to nix them completely. It is argued that they will force EV adoption.

Then he brings up the canard about the US economy being strong right now. The economy sucks. Inflation is still higher than before Biden. More people are unemployed (per the labor utilization rate not the useless U30 measure at about 64% employment) than have been in decades. Then he says the dollar is worth more against other currencies, that's sour grapes unless you're some millionaire money trader.

Last this retard tries to tell us that the US workforce would be "decimated" if Trump started deporting masses of illegals. WTF? How many illiterate, or semi-literate morons with a less than 8th grade, often less than 6th grade education do we need? Then he says this is entails "horrific moral consequences." WTF #2? Arresting and deporting people who are criminally / illegally in the US is immoral? Doing something about crime is immoral? How utterly retarded is that?

What do I think will happen if they're deported? Pay for those jobs will rise. The quality of work done will increase too. Some of it may be automated. The moron in that video thinks it's great we're exploiting Turd World peasants to keep prices low.

If anyone has no understanding of the economy, it's the old coot in that video.
The Maxim that one should never assume nefariousness where incompetence is possible no longer works. When we see nonsense spouted supporting the claims of the Regime now we are much more likely witnessing lies.
Let's see...

First this doddering old coot starts off with an irrelevant appeal to authority citing "economists."

Then he goes into tariffs. He's wrong there too. Tariffs change behavior just like taxes. There is content requirement that cars in the US be mostly made in the US. If not, there's a big tariff on them being imported. Car makers like Toyota and BMW simply built plants in the US to meet those rules and avoid the tariff. There is no reason that this time around the same thing wouldn't happen.

Then he brings up Project 2025 repeating the lie Trump is all in on that. Corporate mergers happen. So what? That doesn't equate to monopolies. Then he babbles about oil and gas without a shred of evidence.

Next, he says Trump will kill off the Biden Harris "clean energy" incentives. Great! Going green is grotesquely expensive. It raises prices immensely. That is proven by the cost of energy in countries and states that have gone all in on it, like California where the cost of a KW or electricity is almost double that of any other state in the lower 48.

As for fuel efficiency standards, the EPA's latest round of increases on that have Congress trying to pass a bill to nix them completely. It is argued that they will force EV adoption.

Then he brings up the canard about the US economy being strong right now. The economy sucks. Inflation is still higher than before Biden. More people are unemployed (per the labor utilization rate not the useless U30 measure at about 64% employment) than have been in decades. Then he says the dollar is worth more against other currencies, that's sour grapes unless you're some millionaire money trader.

Last this retard tries to tell us that the US workforce would be "decimated" if Trump started deporting masses of illegals. WTF? How many illiterate, or semi-literate morons with a less than 8th grade, often less than 6th grade education do we need? Then he says this is entails "horrific moral consequences." WTF #2? Arresting and deporting people who are criminally / illegally in the US is immoral? Doing something about crime is immoral? How utterly retarded is that?

What do I think will happen if they're deported? Pay for those jobs will rise. The quality of work done will increase too. Some of it may be automated. The moron in that video thinks it's great we're exploiting Turd World peasants to keep prices low.

If anyone has no understanding of the economy, it's the old coot in that video.
Dear fucking idiot

Did you predict the coming of the 2008 economic crash?

Then shut the fuck up you LOOSER

I predicted the 2008 crash

So my record of following FACTS that predicted what ACTUALLY came to pass

Your record is dog shit
So fuck off
I am reminded that there has been quite of lot of chatter on my grapevine recently about our generals and CIA director saying things that are not remotely supported by reality....these are not stupid people....they are lying.
I am reminded that there has been quite of lot of chatter on my grapevine recently about our generals and CIA director saying things that are not remotely supported by reality....these are not stupid people....they are lying.
Did Alex Jones tell you that one?


Your Russian inspired drivel is just getting REALLY stale
I predicted the 2008 crash

So my record of following FACTS that predicted what ACTUALLY came to pass

Your record is dog shit
So fuck off
The posts are in this site to prove it

I followed the actual facts at the time

The actual facts clearly showed a disaster coming due to Bush and Republican policy
Same with the lies driving us to Iraqi war

The FACTS were clear

It’s why the world didn’t back that war

It’s why Bush had to call it a coalition of the “willing”
I am reminded that there has been quite of lot of chatter on my grapevine recently about our generals and CIA director saying things that are not remotely supported by reality....these are not stupid people....they are lying.

You Russians dont make good wine

Your grape vines have shitty grapes
The greatest myth of this election cycle is that Trump's economy was somehow the "good ol' days."

The man was an economic disaster. Biden has done an excellent job considering what he inherited.