APP - 50,000+

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
the number of troops needed in afghanistan...soon...with maybe a total of 100,000 additional troops

these troops are needed to secure areas to protect the population from the taliban and enable building and protecting schools

pakistan is finally driving taliban out

the afghan war has been sucking hind tit for years and the strategy has been wandering

but support for the iraq and afghanistan wars is flagging, so should we just get out and let the region revert to instability and chaos

the war may not be just about afghanistan but helping pakistan get clear of al qaeda...remember pakistan has nuclear weapons and do we let al qaeda over run the pak government
I should get a job with Blackwater... ;)


why is it that we have a need to go meddle in other nation's affairs, mess up those nations and then lose interest and leave after numerous lives spent and trillions of dollars wasted...just to keep our forces trained

why is it that we have a need to go meddle in other nation's affairs, mess up those nations and then lose interest and leave after numerous lives spent and trillions of dollars wasted...just to keep our forces trained
Because Americans have no memory.