50 days of bombing - your tax dollars at work


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Meanwhile....In between rabid cable "news" discussions of flag lapel pins, and other distractions, Sadr City in Baghdad has been under continual bombardment from American forces and the Iraqi military for nearly two months. Civilains are essentially trapped there, caught in the crossfire of war. Hospitals have been hit by our bombs, houses blown up, civilians vaporized. A heavily urban area, with a dense civilian population on the receiving end of american bombs and missles. But, surely we didn't mean or intend to kill any civilians, or children. So sleep easy. Of course the anti-occupation mahdi army has committed its fair share of shocking "collateral" damage too, so we can always use the ever reliable "the evil doers do it too!" canard. Supposedly, a cease fire is in the works, but after 5 years of this BS, and countless pleas of "just give us 6 more months", is any sane person going to fall for more of this crap-ola?

I've lost track of all the reasons we are supposed to be occupying Iraq, although the most recent reason, evidently, is to keep our iraqi government puppets/allies from falling to shia militias and the mehdi army. The evil doers, as it were.

My judgement, based largely on the expertise of those I trust, is that this has nothing to do with fighting dead enders, nor about rescuing the iraqi people from evil shia militias.

It's about whether or not we will be allowed to continue to occupy iraq, and gain economic and military benefit from doing so.

Malaki, and his green zone-ensconsed Iraqi government support the american occupation.

The Mehdi Army and allied shia militia don't - they oppose an american occupation. That's the reason. That's the bottom line. No amount of "fight them over there, so we don't have to fight them here" baloney will suffice, or pass the laugh test.

Astonishingly, the Mehdi army is apparently staunchly anti-iranian; pro-arab nationalists. They have no love for the Persions. They would almost certainly not be an iranian ally, even if they ran Iraq. Malaki and his green zone government, are in fact, nominally more friendly to the Iranian government. Which pretty much blows out of the water, any BushCo. lie that we are there (now) supposedly to oppose Iran. Nope. We are there to support the Green Zone governmental factions that will collude with, and support our long term occupation. Its about money, economics, and geopolitics. Its about the occupation. It's not about "al qaeda in iraq" (which is a relatively insignficant irritant), nor is it about slapping down some evil shia militias. Its' about support the groups that will allow our occupation.

And if some hospitals have to get blown up by our bombs, that's the price of supporting an iraqi green zone government that will permit a long term american occupation -- maybe for a 100 years ("that'd be fine with me!" --John McCain)

Juan Cole:

The Iraqi military has warned civilians to leave the vast slum of Sadr City, apparently in preparation for a massive government assault on the Mahdi Army militia based there. Since slum dwellers notoriously lack the means to leave their slums, this call seems more likely to be for the sake of appearances than a realistic expectation. When thousands are massacred in the course of a military attack on a densely packed civilian area, the authorities will be able to say that they gave fair warning. Although the US demonizes the Mahdi Army, Many Sadr City residents view it as in part a charitable organization, and they also are often grateful for the security it provides. It is not as if the federal government is providing security.

Saddam Hussein was the Iraqi leader who invented the technique for the modern Iraqi state of ethnically cleansing rebellious populations as a way of making his rule stick. He did it to the Marsh Arabs in the south and also to Kurds in the north. The US has already either conducted or allowed ethnic cleansing in Falluja and West Baghdad. It now seems set to empty out the east of the capital.

Apparently the fractious, RPG-wielding slum dwellers are getting in the way of the planned Green Zone golf course, so they have to be removed.


Cleric says militia would defend Iran if attacked
Jan 22, 2006 19:58

Radical Iraqi cleric Muqtada al-Sadr said Sunday that his Mahdi Army would help to defend Iran if it is attacked by a foreign nation, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported.

Al-Sadr, speaking on the sidelines of a meeting with top Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani, said his militia was formed to defend Islam.

"The forces of Mahdi Army defend the interests of Iraq and Islamic countries. If neighboring Islamic countries, including Iran, become the target of attacks, we will support them," al-Sadr was quoted as saying.

"The Mahdi Army is beyond the Iraqi army. It was established to defend Islam," he said.
Yeah well we went to bed with Pakistan over Iraq.
Wars make strange begfellows. The old the enemy of my enemy is my friend rationale.

remember we sided with Stalin.