50% of adults would not vote for Hillary.


Villified User
According to a headline on Drudgereport.com.

I think that is at least as good of a rating as bush got last time :)
Well the way the title reads one would think that, but alas it was a fat finner error.
Just reporting from the front page of the Drudgereport.

I don't care much for Hillary, but would love to see Rush, etc have strokes if she was elected.
OOPS fumble fingered the title, should say 50%.
Major oops.

Well, I think these kinds of figures are generally meaningless at this point. If I were asked right now, I might very well answer "No, I would not vote for Hillary".

However, when it comes down to a two "man" race, and the other guy is just about any Republican...I'm going to vote for Hillary.

A lot depends on that, and with independents, a lot is going to depend on who the Republican nominee is.
thanks for the edit Damo.

My reason for posting is that I considered this number pretty high for hillary. I was somewhat amazed.
I am with you this time around Darla, I will vote for any demo in the final stretch. Can't handle much more of this republican rule. We need the demoncrats to screw stuff up in their fashion for a few years to get balance back.