50 Points to the first person that writes a haiku about me

Grind is rly cool
Only he can procreate
Grind is rly great

Corrected the meter by putting the last line in the middle. Although it no longer really make sense, the change makes it into a haiku.
The last line of a Haiku should always be a sentence fragment.

Here is an example of a Haiku:

Autumn comes with pain,
Colored, enhanced, unbroken
Leaves are blowing to...

Basically the goal is to leave the thought unfinished and the reader contemplating therefore.
The last line of a Haiku should always be a sentence fragment.

Here is an example of a Haiku:

Autumn comes with pain,
Colored, enhanced, unbroken
Leaves are blowing to...

Basically the goal is to leave the thought unfinished and the reader contemplating therefore.

I get it now damo.

Grind is really great
And only grind can procreate
That is, with your...