500+ Chinese students denied U.S. visa; California official removed after calling out


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500+ Chinese students denied U.S. visa; California official removed after calling out CCP


More bad news for China’s version of Uber. Ride-share service #DiDi’s stock shares plunged over 20% — after a crackdown from Chinese authorities. It’s fall from stardom comes after a breakout listing in the U.S. stock market. An American city councilman, removed from his post. All because he vocally blames Beijing for the pandemic. And opposed a sister city agreement with China. Over 500 Chinese students have their U.S. visas denied. They’re hoping to study science and engineering abroad. An executive order by the Trump administration is in play. Did Chinese authorities know about the CCP-virus as early as fall of 2019? Months before China’s alleged patient zero appeared, Wuhan held an ’emergency response’ drill in case ‘a new coronavirus’ strain were to appear in Wuhan. And Japan may join the U.S. in#DefendingTaiwan — if Beijing invades the island. Japan’s deputy prime minister says his country could interpret a Chinese invasion as a ‘threat to Japan’s survival.’