500 times the formaldihyde acceptable

No, no - the free market solves everything. We should eliminate governement completely & let the free market take care of the works: the environment, national security, healthcare....it can do no wrong.
No, no - the free market solves everything. We should eliminate governement completely & let the free market take care of the works: the environment, national security, healthcare....it can do no wrong.

Of course not, anarchy rules. Everyone knows that.
I just love the way the myths of capitalism unrestrained always end up killing themselves on the shores of reality.

Please kids study your History and realise the reason they say college is full of Liberals is that truth has a liberal bias.
Funny to think some on TV are treated with kid gloves while others are hoisted on the petard of one mistake.

Think of what happened to Dan Rathers carreer and what this asshole gets away with every day.