APP - 52% of Planned Parenthood operating revenue comes from abortions


A popular meme sold by Planned Parenthood is that ONLY 3% of its services are abortions. Of course as with all evil, they are misrepresenting their numbers and it is being bought by the less informed. When Planned Parenthood touts this number it is merely counting up an individual interaction. For example if a young lady walks into Planned Parenthood and gets an HIV test and a pack of birth control pills, that counts as TWO services. So naturally when you count all of those other services, it increases the denominator and makes the percentage look smaller.

But, when you look at what really counts and that is CASH, you can see that abortion is what drives the ship at Planned Parenthood. I really hope this source is satisfactory.

Here are Planned Parenthood's revenue sources. This is from Planned Parenthood's 2015 Annual Report

1) $553.7 million from taxpayers
2) $218.5 million from private donations
3) $309.2 million in clinic income
4) $65.2 million in other operating income

Now, Planned Parenthood doesn't call out specifically how much revenue they get from abortion, but a little simple math can get us there.

On page 30 of their annual report, they claim they performed 323,999 abortions.

According to Media Matters, the average cost of an abortion was $500 in 2009. Let's assume for the sake of argument that the cost of an abortion hasn't gone up in seven years.

That would mean that Planned Parenthood brings in $161,999,500 for performing abortions.

Now all we have to do is simply divide $161 million by $309 million and you can see from operations, abortion accounts for 52% of Planned Parenthoods revenues. Now you know why they fight so hard. This is a money maker for them. Don't let them lie to you about the whole 3% number.

Now some will say that I am not being honest in my math and that I should divide the $162 million by their total revenue and when you do that, you only get 15% of their revenues from abortion. However, revenue from operations is what really counts. Government welfare and donations are not operating revenue.
Is anyone surprised?

No of course not. Big Abortion makes BIG MONEY by killing babies. In another thread it was asked whether women should be put in prison for murdering their baby. The answer is of course YES. It is no different than if she mutilated it outside the womb. We are horrified when a mother throws a new born into a dumpster (well most people are). It is no different for the unborn in my book. So yes a woman having an illegal abortion should be punished along with the physician.

Now those asking these questions think they have stumbled on some sort of gotcha. The truth about abortion is that it is an insurance policy for poor decisions. Nothing more. Many try to hide behind rape and incest, but the truth is that less than 1% of all abortions are because of those reasons. And if you ever ask a pro abortion person if they would compromise and make abortion only legal for those instances they will ALWAYS say no. Underlying their true intentions which is to live up to Margaret Sangers eugenics dream of killing off as many undesirable babies (read hispanic and black) as possible. Why do you think so many planned parenthood abortion clinics are put in minority neighborhoods? It isn't an accident.

People should not fall for the emotional arguments made by those who trade in the murder of innocent babies.