APP - 6.5 billion on non-health by insurance industry

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
spent by the health care industry on non-health items

6 billion on advertising (16.5 million a day)

.5 billion on lobbying (1.4 million a day)

what is wrong with this picture

still gender discrimination

still no coverage for preexisting conditions for 6 - 12 month

still can cancel if you get sick for too long or expensively

spent by the health care industry on non-health items

6 billion on advertising (16.5 million a day)

.5 billion on lobbying (1.4 million a day)

what is wrong with this picture

still gender discrimination

still no coverage for preexisting conditions for 6 - 12 month

still can cancel if you get sick for too long or expensively


Do you suppose the $6 billion spent on advertising might be the reason the networks aren't spending much time on de-bunking the BS about a healthcare change out there?
NBC/WSJ changed the wording of their poll questions then posted a negative "change" in support for the public plan without noting a significant change of wording in the questions asked. An oversight?
This thing is going down in flames because once again in our country, money talks. Another 15 years will be too late, this country will be on its way down the tube.
I am assuming that the 6 bill in advertising does not even cover what the prescription drug industry spends on advertising?
I have a job. I am also going to college. And me lacking a job would not be contradictory to the laws of economics, or as you like to put it, "contradictory of economics".

flipping burgers is not a real job,

pay about 30,000 in taxes then come back to me and say you should be paying way more. Stick to the soft food gerber.:pke:
Yeah. The totalitarian left wants to take over healthcare specifically to deny care to people, to save the planet. Their goals are not noble either.
Yeah. The totalitarian left wants to take over healthcare specifically to deny care to people, to save the planet. Their goals are not noble either.

Making a profit is a far more noble goal. Everyone knows insurance companies are only in it for the good of the people and will deny care to nobody.
so dems want to eliminate insurance companies.
Oil companies will be next.
Freaking banks you'll realize you should have killed them too.
Are toe-fu makers the only good companies?