6 More Months!


Just read this. One year from now, August 08, our troop levels in Iraq would be reduced to the amount they were at before the bush escalation earlier this year.

That is what we have waited all this time for Bush schill, General Patraeus to say. LOL

And there are people who will give this credence. And in the meantime, while bush runs out the clock with the help of whatever Generals and media he has in his pocket, people continue to die. :clink:

Delay Decision on Major Cuts, General Says
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10 — The top American commander in Iraq, Gen. David H. Petraeus, has recommended that decisions on the contentious issue of reducing the main body of the American troops in Iraq be put off for six months, American officials said Sunday.

General Petraeus, whose long-awaited testimony before Congress is to begin today at about 12:30 p.m. Eastern time, has informed President Bush that troop cuts may begin in mid-December, with the withdrawal of one of the 20 American combat brigades in Iraq, about 4,000 troops. By August 2008, the American force in Iraq would be down to 15 combat brigades, the force level before Mr. Bush’s troop reinforcement plan.

The precise timing of such reductions, which would leave about 130,000 troops in Iraq, could vary, depending on conditions in the country. But the general has also said that it is too soon to present recommendations on reducing American forces below that level because the situation in Iraq is in flux. He has suggested that he wait until March to outline proposals on that question.

Hey! There is a man's legacy at stake here. I don't care how much time & how many lives we have to waste....this is really about Bush....
I believe that several of the posters here predicted this with accuracy, didn't they?!

BTW, when I was in B & N last week picking up my Sierra Club calendar for next year I saw a countdown calendar for the remainder of Bush's "reign" (well I always felt that he believed he'd been made king). It looks hilarious.

I believe that several of the posters here predicted this with accuracy, didn't they?!

BTW, when I was in B & N last week picking up my Sierra Club calendar for next year I saw a countdown calendar for the remainder of Bush's "reign" (well I always felt that he believed he'd been made king). It looks hilarious.

and this is how rational scientist are taught to think? I think ya need to get out more on a Saturday Night..ya are a bitter one to say the least!

I dedicate...'Another Saturday Night' to Thorn...go out and have some fun girl!
How much you wanna bet that 7 months from now, they will say... To lower troop levels at this critical point would be disasterous. We need at least 6 more months.
Umm they are already saying next summer....
Of course that is the time they will either have to reduce troops in Iraq our double up on tours in Iraq for our poor overworked troops.