6 Reasons You Should Stop Hiding Cash at Home


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Should you stash some cash in a hiding place around your house?

It can seem like a fun, creative way to save your money — $100 bills stuffed in the bottom of a cookie jar, $50 bills stuck between the pages of a book, even more money buried in the backyard. But it is actually a dumb and unsafe way to hold on to your money.

Here are several reasons why hiding cash around the house is a bad idea.


Six reasons to hide money around the house:

1. Identity thieves could hack your bank account. While in the long run you might get your money back, it could disappear into a legal abyss for months, or forever.

2. You might need cash when you can't get to the bank. Riot in your neighborhood? You might need some cash on hand to avoid going near it...

3. Avoiding those nasty taxes. Cash in hand is always good for avoiding the IRS.

4. You might need it for your latest video. You never know when some 'Benjamin's" might come in handy as a prop for your latest effort on YouTube or TicToc

5. Payments to those people you don't want anyone to know about like a mistress or gigolo...

6. Your 'significant other' spends everything in your joint bank account as soon as it is deposited...
The fireproof safe is a must. If you're someone who works a 9-5 job and you don't do anything other than that then yes, put your money in the bank. If you have a hustle though you need cash on hand.