60 years ago, Ruby Bridges integrated a New Orleans school. Here's what she tells kid

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Ruby Bridges is a woman with a career, children, and grandchildren now, but the nation will always treasure her six-year-old self.

On Nov. 14, 1960, federal marshals escorted her past angry, threatening crowds and up the steps of the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans.

Bridges was one of the first Black students to integrate public schools after the Supreme Court's landmark ruling in Brown v. Board of Education. While many people worked against her, she formed a special bond with her teacher, Barbara Henry, and continued to attend school. The image of Bridges' tiny frame walking in front of hate speech scrawled on a wall became iconic in Norman Rockwell's painting “The Problem We All Live With."
