64% say the surge has failed

Seems to be managment problems at the top levels. If it has just started why did they say results would be here in September ?
It wasn't until the middle of June that all the troops were in place for the "surge". So in less than a month 64% of people are ready to say it is a failure?

Still carrying water for Mr. 28%, cawacko? ;)

We still remember that Cons in Washington were saying in January that we should know in a few months if the surge would work.

Now, you're pulling out Tony Snow's talking point that the surge is "just starting"?
Another Six months.....

The another six months war.
750 billion and spent and we were told ti would cost us nothing.

What piss poor management.
I am not even sure it should be called management...

I have noticed the true bushies are coming back out of the woodwork in desperation.
Still carrying water for Mr. 28%, cawacko? ;)

We still remember that Cons in Washington were saying in January that we should know in a few months if the surge would work.

Now, you're pulling out Tony Snow's talking point that the surge is "just starting"?

Nope. All I'm carrying is a Jack & Coke in my hand. Mighty tasty I might add, highly recommend one.

You said you deal with facts. I'm talking facts. The leader on the ground (can't remember his name) said he did not get all the promised troops until the middle of June. That was reported in the L.A. Times. That is fact if the General is telling the truth. So there is no water carrying my friend.

Whether the surge works remains to be seen and it either will or it won't.
Another Six months.....

The another six months war.
750 billion and spent and we were told ti would cost us nothing.

What piss poor management.
I am not even sure it should be called management...

I have noticed the true bushies are coming back out of the woodwork in desperation.

Who is coming out of the woodwork that has been missing? And we were promised a free war? Wow...
Seems to be managment problems at the top levels. If it has just started why did they say results would be here in September ?

Wow, that's actually a good question and I do not know the answer. Not sure if the full number of troops was suppose to be delivered sooner or what the story is.
Another Six months.....

The another six months war.
750 billion and spent and we were told ti would cost us nothing.

What piss poor management.
I am not even sure it should be called management...

I have noticed the true bushies are coming back out of the woodwork in desperation.

this cracked me up!
Another Six months.....

The another six months war.
750 billion and spent and we were told ti would cost us nothing.

What piss poor management.
I am not even sure it should be called management...

I have noticed the true bushies are coming back out of the woodwork in desperation.
Who would these be?? All I've seen is those retreating BACk into the woodwork or jumping ship.
Who is coming out of the woodwork that has been missing? And we were promised a free war? Wow...

I do recall talk by the administration of the oil revenues of Iraq paying for the reconstruction....Not free, but not 2 trillion like the forcasts say it will cost in the long run....
And almost all on supplemental spending bills so Mush can lie about his budget defecit getting smaller.
I am naming no names, but I have noticed a marked increase in Bush apologist types of remarks.

LOL... what do you mean naming no names? Do you have a list of people you have been tracking across the country that spoke positively about Bush years ago, went silent and then came back out again? More power to you if track that sort of thing I guess but I would love to hear just one if you would share.
cawacko... if a person says anything contrary to the left wing talking points they are now Bush apologists. how the hell do you not know this?
LOL... what do you mean naming no names? Do you have a list of people you have been tracking across the country that spoke positively about Bush years ago, went silent and then came back out again? More power to you if track that sort of thing I guess but I would love to hear just one if you would share.
