'68 Redux

WC Grouch

New member
Has anyone got any info on the planned demonstration at the Dem Convention and US Mint?
I've been told by an activist neighbor, who just returned from a Bay Area rally,
That they're organizing a ruckus. I can't find anything to verify it on the net...

Has anyone got any info on the planned demonstration at the Dem Convention and US Mint?
I've been told by an activist neighbor, who just returned from a Bay Area rally,
That they're organizing a ruckus. I can't find anything to verify it on the net...

:shock:I bet Code Pink is involved!

I thought he said Pink Code!
He sure is excited. He was at the convention in '68 and he's now sporting a brand new tye dyed shirt for the return to his youth.

the tie dyed T shirt is the givaway...maybe he went for pink on a pale blue pattern...........:cof1:
The Cops are pretty corrupt here, but there is no Mayor Daly... I don't think they'll get away with it.
Sure hope you are right damo........

The Cops are pretty corrupt here, but there is no Mayor Daly... I don't think they'll get away with it.

I remember the 68 riots well...I was still in the Army waiting for ets outta Ft.Ord,Ca...this is when I was spit upon and kicked some hippie ass...this was a very bad year for our country...I sure hope it is not a repeat!
I'm sure darla...

will be there in her finest Pink Nightey...telling our boys(soldiers& Cops) they have two inch penises...or something to that effect!
Being that you are in the Guard...ya will be in the riot line...make sure ya have a raincoat on...spit sucks...big time!

I am in the WA Guard, and my unit performs a federal mission, so we don't even get brought into state issues. Its just performed by the Guard because we never move or PCS, so they can count on changes being slow and minimal, allowing for the mission to run relatively smoothly.
Not so fast...quickdraw...!

I am in the WA Guard, and my unit performs a federal mission, so we don't even get brought into state issues. Its just performed by the Guard because we never move or PCS, so they can count on changes being slow and minimal, allowing for the mission to run relatively smoothly.

The Guards main mission is state militia and support of the Feds...you will be called to the riot lines...trust me!;)

Had to get out of my snacktime thread...I just plowed thru 16 poppers and two beers...Bad cop...no donut..............never mind I am retired all is good!:cof1:
You weren't kidding...did some research...low and behold these morons are going to try to create another 68 disastor! Both the DNC and GOP conventions!

and Code Pink is in on the mix of the usual undesirable suspects!

Recreate 68....

I thought he was pulling my leg!
Well he wasn't.............

Recreate 68....

I thought he was pulling my leg!

Now we can look forward to hags in pink nightees...spewing their hatered...sure glad I don't live in Denver...this spring should be a riot(pun):cof1:
And we...............

I nominate this thread, the best wingnut circle jerk of the year.

Nominate you the idiot of the year!...Not to forget the playing with the peepee in the teepee sorta/kinda guy...carry on Lassie! ... Oh yeah did you pack your new collection of Tye (died-pun) dyed 'T's for the party in Denver this spring?
Inquiring minds want to know! Don't forget your hotpants too!
Nominate you the idiot of the year!...Not to forget the playing with the peepee in the teepee sorta/kinda guy...carry on Lassie! ... Oh yeah did you pack your new collection of Tye (died-pun) dyed 'T's for the party in Denver this spring?
Inquiring minds want to know! Don't forget your hotpants too!

Is this even English? :confused:

It's like a ten year old wrote it.