7 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Sleep on Your Left Side


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Typically, your sleeping position is a “whatever gets you there” kind of scenario. There are lots of common positions people assume as they drop off to sleep, including on their side, stomach, back, or curled up in the fetal position.

Some folks lay relatively still all night, and others toss and turn. It’s all okay as long as you aren’t waking up sore.

However, your sleep could be better than okay. It could be great. Your body is actually still pretty active during that time, filing away memories, digesting dinner, and recharging your batteries, plus, of course, taking in oxygen and circulating blood. As it turns out, the position you take during sleep makes a huge difference in how effective these processes are, and there IS a best position.

Sleeping on your left side is the gold standard in slumber positioning, and we’ve got 7 compelling reasons why that is. Not convinced? Stick with us as we count the ways.


How interesting! I remember reading some book during my first pregnancy that advised pregnant women to sleep on their left sides because it allows blood return from the lower limbs/body to freely move through the inferior vena cava to the heart. Otherwise you might end up with lower extremity edema. Plus it did seem to help me sleep better.

It also supposedly helps prevent acid reflux because sleeping on the left side raises the opening of the stomach where the esophagus connects to it, thus preventing stomach acid from seeping into the esophagus.

That might have been in the linked article, but I haven't read it yet.

I've begun sleeping on my left side most of the time because my right shoulder had been killing me from sleeping on it, so I had to switch sides, now I'm used to it.

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god fucking damnit I am a righty.

why do I have the shit tier genetics that make me sleep all fucked up

i'm pissed.
Maybe you could try sleeping upside down, like a bat? lol

apparently my favorite sesemee street character was the count.

This is related because... the count was a vampire, and vampires can be bats, and you mentioned bats. Im high. disregard this post.
apparently my favorite sesemee street character was the count.

This is related because... the count was a vampire, and vampires can be bats, and you mentioned bats. Im high. disregard this post.

I already knew that. As soon as you mentioned my favorite Sesame Street character too, I grokked your train of thought.

And I'm not even high. lol
