70 and sunny....

You can keep your summer humidity.

Any summer day that hits 70 degrees in my town, is considered a warm day ;)
Just reversed up here jarod. when I lived in florida I would hide in AC for the summer, here I hide in winter. The only difference is I can put on enough clothes to get warm in winter here, but can't take off enough to get cool in the FL summer.
Cypress, I'd love to be where it's warm at 70 in the summer! Here on Monday it was forecast to be about 59; it hit 77. The winters are overall mild but erratic, and there's nothing to do (I love winter sports). In summer we hide in the AC because it's absolutely baking outside (117 one day in July the first year we were here!) and it's so dry that even the wind is hot! Last year we went for more than four months without rain in the spring/summer, and we had more than 60 consecutive days over 100 degrees.

Have to convince hubby to move somewhere more temperate, but he doesn't want to deal with snow again.
Cypress, I'd love to be where it's warm at 70 in the summer! Here on Monday it was forecast to be about 59; it hit 77. The winters are overall mild but erratic, and there's nothing to do (I love winter sports). In summer we hide in the AC because it's absolutely baking outside (117 one day in July the first year we were here!) and it's so dry that even the wind is hot! Last year we went for more than four months without rain in the spring/summer, and we had more than 60 consecutive days over 100 degrees.

Have to convince hubby to move somewhere more temperate, but he doesn't want to deal with snow again.

Last year we went for more than four months without rain in the spring/summer, and we had more than 60 consecutive days over 100 degrees.

Yikes! that's totally brutal...Y'all in the desert? I don't think I could handle that. These northern california coastal towns sit right on the Alaska current, which brings cold pacific water down from alaska - so summers are cool, and sometimes foggy. I've never used the air conditioner here.
Yeah, but I took all my cold water SCUBA classes in Monterey, CA. The water is rather murky...
I am looking out the window of my new office... Not a clowd in the sky... 75 today!

It drives me crazy to see beautifull sailboats slowly sailing by on the way to the ocean on a day like today!
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Last year we went for more than four months without rain in the spring/summer, and we had more than 60 consecutive days over 100 degrees.

Yikes! that's totally brutal...Y'all in the desert? I don't think I could handle that. These northern california coastal towns sit right on the Alaska current, which brings cold pacific water down from alaska - so summers are cool, and sometimes foggy. I've never used the air conditioner here.

West Texas, at about 3300 feet and flat as a pancake. The university has a special program to study arid and semi-arid lands, and I participate in an annual photo exhibit sponsored by that program.

Even if it does rain during the summer, the big, fat lazy raindrops compete with the dust that covers everything. My vehicle then is black with a coating of red dust and splotches of red mud with black centers.
It drives me crazy to see beautifull sailboats out my window slowly sailing by on the way to the ocean on a day like today!
West Texas, at about 3300 feet and flat as a pancake. The university has a special program to study arid and semi-arid lands, and I participate in an annual photo exhibit sponsored by that program.

Even if it does rain during the summer, the big, fat lazy raindrops compete with the dust that covers everything. My vehicle then is black with a coating of red dust and splotches of red mud with black centers.

Cool. I've been out in west texas a lot. Man, that's a desolate place. Almost a moonscape, particularly down around big bend and the pecos river. I suppose it has a certain beauty, if one is into that kind of thing.