700 empty positions at the CDC


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Almost 700 Positions Remain Unfilled at the CDC Due to Hiring Freeze
Proof that science and politics cannot be separated.

Almost 700 jobs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta are vacant due to the recent federal government hiring freeze. This same issue is causing a variety of problems at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The hiring freeze was technically lifted last month, but because the agencies have been charged with reorganizing and reducing their workforces, the practical effect has been a continued freeze.

The Washington Post reports that researchers and officials at the CDC say the vacancies are affecting “programs supporting local and state public health emergency readiness, infectious disease control and chronic disease prevention.” An unnamed senior CDC official (who spoke to The Washington Post anonymously) told the organization that critical public health analysts, scientists, and advisers are among the unfilled positions. These are the people who help ensure that scientists working in labs and the field all over the country have sufficient equipment and support to remain operational.

The CDC’s problems are made even worse, the senior official said, because the agency is operating without a director. The former permanent director, Tom Frieden, resigned in January from the position, which is one of the most important roles in the fight against infectious diseases in the U.S. and everywhere else in the world. Since that time, the CDC has essentially been rudderless, trying to cope with a difficult transition without the benefit of leadership.

In the meantime, the White House and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) have directed all federal agencies to submit plans by June 30 reflecting how they will reduce their civilian workforces. The administration will soon release its new budget, which is expected to be in line with its previously stated goals.

The impact of these agencies extend far beyond their cost, however. The Washington Post reports that multiple positions remaining vacant are in the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (PHPR), the body that maintains the country’s store of emergency medical countermeasures and regulates some of the most dangerous viruses and bacteria in the world. Jobs in the infectious disease offices also remain open, as do positions in the office for noncommunicable diseases, injury, and environmental health.

Liz Perera, the public health policy director of the Sierra Club, told The Washington Post that the administration’s “thoughtless freeze on hiring public servants prevented the CDC from filling critical roles at programs essential to preventing chronic and infectious diseases, advancing immunization, and safeguarding environmental health.”

Drastic budget cuts to science and public health have serious consequences that are worrying professionals who work in these areas. Furthermore, experts argue that research affects more than our understanding of the world. It also supports local economies and fosters new industries. Now, at the dawn of the age of automation, this is more important than ever.


And this is from May 22nd 2017!!!
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700 empty positions at the CDC
And this is from May 22nd 2017!!!


The entire administration is the republican wet dream.

This has been their agenda since Nixon.

They finally scared enough white people into believing their BS.

Otherwise, why would anyone want to vote republican? They are showing you who they really are.
Almost 700 jobs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta are vacant due to the recent federal government hiring freeze.
sweet......and you thought Trump wasn't carrying out his promises.......
Hello Cinnabar,

We are being led by a foolish and greedy tyrant.

He never served anybody in his life but himself.

And now the right thinks he is suddenly dedicated to serving the nation?

Guess again.

Hopefully, they will be the ones to reap what they have sown by supporting this insane so called presidency.
Pence seems to think that he can summon the holy one with his hocus pocus, and have him eradicate the corona pandemic.
It is pretty obvious that the virus will not survive when the weather turns warmer, so I'd give another month maybe two and you snowflakes will.have moved on to another panic over fuck all.