In Boston, 75K is a lot closer to the cost of a Thanksgiving dinner than it is to the cost of a house.
Other than that, I'm not sure if I understand the thread.
No link opened.
Also, the forum spell check still isn't working for me.
Oh sorry I forgot that Tweets don't show up for some.
The CEO Party is supposed to love rich people
What happened
Why are you making an entire thread out of this???
To show how fake the outrage was over Kamala's Thanksgiving cookware.
You're concerned about Kamala's COOKWARE????!?
They didn't start the thread. YOU did!
Nope. Fox News started it, not me. Pay attention.
FOX is not on JPP. YOU started the thread, dumbass. You deny it????
I started the thread as a logical consequence of Fox News whining about Kamala's cookware.
Tell me what the purpose of JPP is?
You started a thread over Kamala's COOKWARE????!?