7M in U.S. Jails, on Probation or Parole


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7M in U.S. Jails, on Probation or Parole
Nov 30 1:44 AM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer


A record 7 million people _ or one in every 32 American adults _ were behind bars, on probation or on parole by the end of last year, according to the Justice Department. Of those, 2.2 million were in prison or jail, an increase of 2.7 percent over the previous year, according to a report released Wednesday.

And our politicians have the gall to insult the Chinese and Indonesians over their criminal justice systems. Honestly, I can't tell which is worse any longer.
We Americans tend to be pretty blind about the failings in our own country, but eager to point fingers at others.
We have got to end this "war" on drugs. What a waste of human life and money...
Yup. Ironically, that's the single biggest problem with our criminal justice system today. Take that out of the equation and prison overcrowding goes away, the backlog in the criminal courts goes away, police understaffing problems pretty much go away . . . and so on.

It may be the single most monumentally stupid thing we've ever done to ourselves as a nation. Even worse than (alcohol) prohibition, in the long run. Okay, there's slavery, but we inherited that.