80+% of the GOP loves and supports Trump to this day

80+% of the GOP loves and supports Trump to this day

And the other 20 percent claim they do not support him, but will devote every fiber of their being to defending him or providing cover for him

And I think a lot of those "not a Trump supporter"-supporters are right here on this board!
just let that sink in

That's the main if not the only thing stopping the GOP establishment from pulling the plug on him.

They've gotten what they wanted - tax cuts.
Do they want a Mexican wall? Nope.
Do they want to cozy up to Putin? Nope.
Do they want tariff wars? Nope.

But Trump's 'base' is the rotten fruit of decades of relentless RW propaganda, and the GOP-meisters have to pretend to like it.
For now.
It's what you get for cheating the electorate, I suppose. with crappy 'constitutions'. It's making the world wonder very seriously about the US, I can tell you that!
just let that sink in

America is totally f'd

That is the TDS diseasing you. It is the nature of your sickness. Recognizing, understanding and rejecting the delusion is the only way to possibly begin recovering from the terminal effects of your delusions. Replace your fake news/ TDS lies with a couple of truths: since barack' Islamic brotherhood no longer have deepstate production services; there has not been any Islamic jihad massacres in this land and the false flag shootings will be undergoing cessation since the heads of deepstate production services are being fired and losing security clearances (should all be executed). Recovering from TDS is up to you.either you will renounce fake news or you will not have any understanding until after you die. Repent. I must correct a factual error: the deepstate terror producers are mostly still in their same positions and are still being paid well by dumb taxpayers/ slaves; the difference now is they do not have the full backing of the executive branch and must greatly reduce their terror production activity (should all be executed).
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Trump made that clear when he said he could shoot Hillary and the pope on 5th avenue and not lose voters. That was about you idiots, not Trump. He was amazed that you people bought so deeply into his con. The conned are the last to admit they are being conned. Can you imagine having real faith in a guy like Trump and then have to admit he suckered you? Hard to admit. When Nixon quit he still had a 28 percent approval rating. So there is a history of people who cannot admit how wrong they are. I do not expect the Trumplestilskins to ever get it. You guys are Nixonites reborn.
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80% of Republicans do indeed remain faithful to the orange baboon.

That's precisely why a Stalinsque purge of Trumpanzees would make America great again.
who's going to beat him?.....Warren who just told the parents of a murdered girl they should focus on illegal immigrants separated from their children?.....

Your comment makes no sense.

This has been a tough week with the Orange Dolt, and next week will be worse.

Mueller's October surprises will be even more awful for him.
And the other 20 percent claim they do not support him, but will devote every fiber of their being to defending him or providing cover for him

And I think a lot of those "not a Trump supporter"-supporters are right here on this board!

Trump is a disgusting abomination.

The people who continue to support him after seeing how he handles himself in the job...

...are much more disgusting!
The problem is that since McCarthy, the American working class have not only been given the standard brainwashing but have barely been allowed any hint of anything else. As a result (like the mugs over here) they voted in a way they thought would spite those who treated them like rubbish. The problem was that, being so ignorant, they feel a fierce loyalty to a fat, exploitive fool who treats them like rubbish. Happy days! All soon be over. Lovely and warm, here and in eternity! :)
Says the Alt Right goof, PmP. I voted for McMullin, the true conservative, while you voted for the demlite and supported the Russian effort to undermine America.
That's the main if not the only thing stopping the GOP establishment from pulling the plug on him.

They've gotten what they wanted - tax cuts.
Do they want a Mexican wall? Nope.
Do they want to cozy up to Putin? Nope.
Do they want tariff wars? Nope.

The wall is about the only good idea Trump had. It's what got him elected...sort of.
The wall is about the only good idea Trump had. It's what got him elected...sort of.

Bad idea you mean. It will not stop illegals. The Mexican cartel has perfected tunneling. Of course, the illegals can get here by boat. But most fly in and overstay their Visas. The wall is just a symbol of hating that would cost 50 million.