80 percent of US adults face near poverty



the income gap is killing this country

Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.

Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.
show me a time In this nations history when the income gap was this wide and the economy for all was good?
these people vote republicans.

Do you think they will buy your idiots lines about things like the minimum wage is evil socialism?
this is the country the right has given us.

How many times does your historically failed ideas have to fail before you trash them?

The Cost of Austerity: 3 Million Jobs

—By Kevin Drum

| Fri Jul. 26, 2013 9:24 AM PDT



Here is the Congressional Budget Office's latest estimate of the economic benefit of eliminating sequestration:

Those changes would increase the level of real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product (GDP) by 0.7 percent and increase the level of employment by 0.9 million in the third quarter of calendar year 2014 (the end of fiscal year 2014) relative to the levels projected under current law.
cutting government just to cut it does not bring the claimed boom you fools said it would.

austerity fails yet again.

when will you admit you have been had by your party and its leaders?
cant touch this huh?

just too many facts to overcome which show your historically failed ideas are just that
this is how the right in this country deals with facts they don't like.

they pretend they are not facts or even exist.

this is why our country is failing.

Too many pick and choose which facts they will believe instead of just taking in all the facts
I read this article yesterday and in the back of my mind I thought 'I bet RazorX will probably post this'. I was wrong there but it did make the board.

I would have responded sooner but I really did want to see how many times Desh could respond to her own post before someone else jumped in. I'm not trying to be mean it's just a different posting style.

The reason I thought RazorX would have posted this was he would have thanked Obama for these numbers considering Obama has been in office five years now. Desh turned this into the Republicans doing however. When Desh said these people vote Republican I'm assuming she meant the poor white people because the article mentions poor racial and ethnic minorities. I can't imagine she is now claiming they vote Republican.

We've heard for years from all people, but especially those on the left, that we need to reduce our military spending. Well here we had made reductions to our military spending and the complaint is now about lost jobs.

I also find it difficult to wrap my brain around the idea that we are practicing austerity in the U.S. while running a $600 billion deficit. I'd hate to see what actual austerity looked like.

And Desh for stating you want to talk about all the facts I notice you left out the effects the tax increases had played on the economy and chose to focus solely on reductions in spending.

Leaving all that aside I read the comments section of the article yesterday and many posters attempted to point at the free trade agreements signed by the U.S. starting with NAFTA. I've always believed that our country will not grow economically by closing off or limiting our borders to trade. However that has moved our economy into a more service oriented role from a more manufacturing one. I believe this will continue to push our economic prosperity higher as a whole but it does lead to more disparate income disparities. Adding a dollar or two to the minimum wage sounds nice and all but that isn't going to do anything about reducing inequality.

We've had this discussion on the board before. One topic being do we alter our education system to emphasize more learning in a particular trade skill to help make someone more employable among other ideas?

its the republican policy that the house refuses to allow to be changed that caused this mess folks.
To add, these #'s absolutely suck.

I think the problem, as always, is that there is too much finger-pointing, and not enough solving. We don't solve the problem by raising taxes or practicing austerity.

There ARE things we can do. As cawacko mentioned, it sort of starts & ends w/ education. Higher Ed is starting to become way out of reach for many, and that is not acceptable. The ROI on that is hard to calculate. Higher Ed should be affordable for everyone.

But, we also need to be more fiscally responsible. Wall Street IS connected to Main Street. When we're running a $16 trill debt, it doesn't inspire a lot of investor confidence.
To add, these #'s absolutely suck.

I think the problem, as always, is that there is too much finger-pointing, and not enough solving. We don't solve the problem by raising taxes or practicing austerity.

There ARE things we can do. As cawacko mentioned, it sort of starts & ends w/ education. Higher Ed is starting to become way out of reach for many, and that is not acceptable. The ROI on that is hard to calculate. Higher Ed should be affordable for everyone.

But, we also need to be more fiscally responsible. Wall Street IS connected to Main Street. When we're running a $16 trill debt, it doesn't inspire a lot of investor confidence.

Or practicing austerity?

dude this article shows austerity fails yet again.
What if we had taken all the money we used to bail out the banks and used that to bail out homeowners? to provide jobs?

I do blame Repubs for blocking many of the programs Pres. Obama has proposed to help with jobs and safety net.

But not like Pres. Obama's proposals were big enough; he didn't push for single pay health care; he didn't support the progressive budget and he is pretty supportive of big business (those who think he's a socialist are dead wrong).

What if we took the money "saved" by sequestration and pumped it into votech training? - welders, carpenters, solar power installers, training on how to retrofit homes to be more energy efficient, nursing, EMTs, power line people, etc etc etc?

What if we focused on building a stronger middle class instead of worrying that rich people are paying a few percent too much in taxes?

To a small degree we are giving businesses incentive for hiring veterans; what if we gave more incentives to bring jobs into the US? and to hire low-skilled workers? We do this last to some degree- places like McDonald's can hire someone and have part of the wages paid by the govt - but then they often get rid of the people when the subsidy ends; how do we ensure the people stay on when the subsidy is done?

Community colleges and state colleges - at least in California - are bursting at the seams. What if we invested in more teachers, more class units, so people could actually do a four year degree in four years instead of five?

Yes, I do primarily blame republicans. But many dems aren't pushing big messages either. There are some - Tom Torlakson here in California working on schools; Grayson in Floriday; Warren, of course.

But - what if?

What if we had taken all the money we used to bail out the banks and used that to bail out homeowners? to provide jobs?

I do blame Repubs for blocking many of the programs Pres. Obama has proposed to help with jobs and safety net.

But not like Pres. Obama's proposals were big enough; he didn't push for single pay health care; he didn't support the progressive budget and he is pretty supportive of big business (those who think he's a socialist are dead wrong).

What if we took the money "saved" by sequestration and pumped it into votech training? - welders, carpenters, solar power installers, training on how to retrofit homes to be more energy efficient, nursing, EMTs, power line people, etc etc etc?

What if we focused on building a stronger middle class instead of worrying that rich people are paying a few percent too much in taxes?

To a small degree we are giving businesses incentive for hiring veterans; what if we gave more incentives to bring jobs into the US? and to hire low-skilled workers? We do this last to some degree- places like McDonald's can hire someone and have part of the wages paid by the govt - but then they often get rid of the people when the subsidy ends; how do we ensure the people stay on when the subsidy is done?

Community colleges and state colleges - at least in California - are bursting at the seams. What if we invested in more teachers, more class units, so people could actually do a four year degree in four years instead of five?

Yes, I do primarily blame republicans. But many dems aren't pushing big messages either. There are some - Tom Torlakson here in California working on schools; Grayson in Floriday; Warren, of course.

But - what if?


The bailout of the banks was one of those big issues that transcended partisan lines as there were supporters and detractors on both sides. If you believe President Obama all the loan money has been paid back so there was no loss there.

I don't support bailing out homeowners. If someone took home equity money out to spend on different items then found themselves in over their head later on why should the taxpayers bail them out? If someone signed up for a teaser loan to buy a house they really couldn't afford again why should the government bail them out? I don't mean to sound heartless because I do feel for those who lost their homes but from a policy perspective I think it's wrong to support them.

You mention taking government money to provide jobs. What jobs did you have in mind? The economy is not going to grow by the government growing. It's the private sector and really the small business sector that provides economic and job growth.

You blame the Republicans for blocking Obama's jobs plans but look at the plans he's passed. The stimulus did not have near the effect his economic team claimed it would when implemented. The health care act is not helping job growth. The Dodd-Frank bill is a massive clusterfvck. It's understandable to me why people are questioning if another stimulus five years later is really the answer.

I know you wrote more but just my initial response.
Desh and you wonder why no one responds to your threads. You post an article that shows 4 out of 5 adults will face poverty or joblessness at some point in their lifetime and their has been growing inequality over decades yet your only response is this is all the House Republicans fault from 2010 on.