80s Video Dating Disaster


You lookin' at my pint?
Before spods invented the internets, so they could look at ladies with no clothes on, they used to have to meet real live women. Although this would rarely, if ever, lead to the merest hint of female nakedness, sexual frustration drove them on.

As your typical spod found it difficult to blend in on the bar/nightclub circuit, and conversational opportunities with girls were in somewhat short supply, quick-thinking 1980s entrepreneurs came up with the solution.

VIDEO DATING (yes, even before the age of the DVD kids)

Anyway, this is a sample of the type of gentlemen who touted themselves to any lucky lady who owned a Video Recording device.

Things to note:
1.The popularity of the moustache

2.The fine array of knitwear on display

3.How much men like to have "fun".
Press Play Here (despite alerting the filtering software SM's mammy has fitted to his computer this is perfectly work safe)

[ame="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xaf03z_dating-montage_creation"]Dailymotion - Dating Montage - a Arts video@@AMEPARAM@@http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xaf03z_dating@@AMEPARAM@@xaf03z_dating[/ame]
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That is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time.

Can you imagine being a woman and looking for dates and seeing those guys?

And what is with the guy in the viking outfit? Did he think that would get him laid? lol

Great stuff Charver.
That is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time.

Can you imagine being a woman and looking for dates and seeing those guys?

And what is with the guy in the viking outfit? Did he think that would get him laid? lol

Great stuff Charver.

I'm still wondering why Phil's friends called him "Big Phil".

Also, i like the old fellow who thought the revelation he was a long-time subscriber to "both Playboy and the New Yorker" would tip the scales in his his favour.
That was too, too funny! And those guys, or their successors, are still out there, thinking that they're 'way cool. And that some lucky lady is just drooling looking at that video. ROTFLOL.
Nice charver!

Judging from the looks of these morons these are the dudes that, in the 1990s, graduated to the Russian Mail Order bride craze.

P.S. - the male porno stache was always a smooth move. :rolleyes:
That was too, too funny! And those guys, or their successors, are still out there, thinking that they're 'way cool. And that some lucky lady is just drooling looking at that video. ROTFLOL.
It's false bravado. There desperate and they know it. If you want to catch a lady you need to do a personal add like this.

Wanted. Rubenesque lady who looks pretty in a dress and can change a flat tire. Must enjoy outdoor activities and drinking beer. Must be able to bait own hook and pee outdoors. Having your own boat is a plus. Please include picture of boat.

It's false bravado. There desperate and they know it. If you want to catch a lady you need to do a personal add like this.

Wanted. Rubenesque lady who looks pretty in a dress and can change a flat tire. Must enjoy outdoor activities and drinking beer. Must be able to bait own hook and pee outdoors. Having your own boat is a plus. Please include picture of boat.


LOL! Yah, I can see how that would work. :D