APP - 83 million reasons why Trump talking about Bill Clinton's problems will work



There are 83 million Millennials in this country. If you look at the age group that makes up the Millennials it comprises those born from 1982 to 2000. If you were born in 1982 you were 14 years old when Clinton had his problems.

The point here is that the bulk of Millennials weren't alive or aware during that turbulent time and since the whole thing has been whitewashed by the left they really don't know anything about it unless they are a political junkie and let's be honest they probably aren't.

Let's not also forget that this same group has been propagandized by the left about the War on Women and all sorts of rape issues. So when they hear about Clinton's rape allegations and Hillary's role in tarnishing Bill's accusers, I don't think they will take too kindly to it.

If Hillary is smart she will abandon the War on Women when it comes to Trump, But, I never accused her of being smart.
I don't think this kind of information even interests millennials. Most are concerned with monetary and employment issues not sexual improprieties. There is a curious (mostly myth) belief that Clinton is good for jobs and the economy that is where I'd put my money. But then again how many millennials even vote? Remember the triangulation, or whatever it was called? Then again if Trump is to be believed nirvana will arrive soon after he takes office. lol
I don't think this kind of information even interests millennials. Most are concerned with monetary and employment issues not sexual improprieties. There is a curious (mostly myth) belief that Clinton is good for jobs and the economy that is where I'd put my money. But then again how many millennials even vote? Remember the triangulation, or whatever it was called? Then again if Trump is to be believed nirvana will arrive soon after he takes office. lol

So rape is now a "sexual impropriety" now? Good to know