9/11-the blown opportunity


Like most, Over the past week I have watched several documentaries on 9/11 ....and may I add..with great emotional release. Even today as I watched the NFL Pre-game shows there was a montage dedicated to 9/11...showing clips of athletes returning to the field in tribute to those who lost their lives as a result of this great American tragedy. Watching the uncontrolled emotions of the athletes and the fans was a reminder of what the atmospshere was like in this country during the days that followed this unmatched historic event.

Like no other time in my personal brief history was I ever as united with Americans of all walks of life. Unless of course you were Muslim of Arab descent... unfortunately they went on to recieve crtitisism..some of their own making by expressing little remorse along with weak rejections of the attack, but most critisisms were unjust and just plain rascist. For the rest of us It did not matter what ones race, religion, political affiliations, sexual orientation, what kind of car you drive, where you live, whether or not you believe in crystal power.... we got attacked and we were Americans! An America United! Watching the video of the days that followed 9/11 is a wake up call.

The support from other Countries was tremendous! Flowing in from all corners of the Earth... we were loved! And it felt good knowing that the International Community loved us as they did. Being reminded of how things were immediately follwing 9/11 serves as a wake up call as to how things should have turned out but didnt.

With all the positive energy the International Community was sending our way, we could have used it to the Worlds advantage .. we could have built on it.... but we didnt... we took a positive and turned it into a negative. Instead we bullied our way into a region and used 9/11 as an excuse to flaunt might and muscle.. an exercise in Empire building and natural resource confiscation.

We blew it.. and we will pay for it for generations to come ....
Like most, Over the past week I have watched several documentaries on 9/11 ....and may I add..with great emotional release. Even today as I watched the NFL Pre-game shows there was a montage dedicated to 9/11...showing clips of athletes returning to the field in tribute to those who lost their lives as a result of this great American tragedy. Watching the uncontrolled emotions of the athletes and the fans was a reminder of what the atmospshere was like in this country during the days that followed this unmatched historic event.

Like no other time in my personal brief history was I ever as united with Americans of all walks of life. Unless of course you were Muslim of Arab descent... unfortunately they went on to recieve crtitisism..some of their own making by expressing little remorse along with weak rejections of the attack, but most critisisms were unjust and just plain rascist. For the rest of us It did not matter what ones race, religion, political affiliations, sexual orientation, what kind of car you drive, where you live, whether or not you believe in crystal power.... we got attacked and we were Americans! An America United! Watching the video of the days that followed 9/11 is a wake up call.

The support from other Countries was tremendous! Flowing in from all corners of the Earth... we were loved! And it felt good knowing that the International Community loved us as they did. Being reminded of how things were immediately follwing 9/11 serves as a wake up call as to how things should have turned out but didnt.

With all the positive energy the International Community was sending our way, we could have used it to the Worlds advantage .. we could have built on it.... but we didnt... we took a positive and turned it into a negative. Instead we bullied our way into a region and used 9/11 as an excuse to flaunt might and muscle.. an exercise in Empire building and natural resource confiscation.

We blew it.. and we will pay for it for generations to come ....

We had the world behind us. IT was a unique opportunity. We definetly squandered all that good will.