97 percent of scientists believe in man made climate change. FALSE!

LOLOL! YOURE REPLYING TO AN ARTICLE YOU HAVENT EVEN READ YET. know what that makes you? An idiot. Since you didn't read mine, I'm not going to read yours. How's that? Lol
I have read it in the past, climate deniers always trot out the same tired opinions. It is from 2015. I am very familiar with Alex.
I have read it in the past, climate deniers always trot out the same tired opinions. It is from 2015. I am very familiar with Alex.

And you still can't refute it. Lol. And who is this Alex dude? The article didn't even mention him. You're just digging yourself deeper. And I'm still waiting for the poll that came up with 97 percent
And you still can't refute it. Lol. And who is this Alex dude? The article didn't even mention him. You're just digging yourself deeper. And I'm still waiting for the poll that came up with 97 percent
He’s the author of the article. Seems like you are already in the hole, not even knowing anything about your article, who wrote it and why they may have a bias.

NASA does a better job of it than I on the 97%
Do you even know what a poll is? It is when someone actually asks for answers from a random sampling of individuals. You claim that 97 percent of scientists agree. Which poll was this,what question did they ask, and who conducted the poll? Without a reputable poll, your assertion is completely baseless. So let's see it.
It is completely false, and I can prove it. Here is how a partisan hack came up with this number. Don't believe the hype.

What Can True Christians™ Do to Help Speed Up Global Warming So Jesus Comes Back Quicker?

I'm going to get a little controversial now, but someone has to speak the truth. The sissy Christians who pick and choose whatever Bible verse they like to fit their latest agenda will burn in Hell and give off just as pleasing a scent to the nostrils of the Lord as any hell bound, America hating Muslim will. It is these pansy, false Christians whose liberal ideas are polluting the spiritual truth of God's Word. I'll say it now, and I'll say it again and again! If you are a True Christian™, you shouldn't be recycling. True Christians™ shouldn't be attending Global Warming rallies, or be celebrating Earth Day. True Christians™ understand that worrying about such things, or supporting such efforts is in direct conflict with the Word of God! Friends, we can sum up our Evangelical stand on "Conservation" by making all these fancy scientifical types understand one truth: That is if Jesus can feed five thousand people with two stinky fish and five loaves of stale bread, He can certainly turn the lights back on and make clean air by just burping! Oh, Glory! Glory!


Science Doesn't Make Any Sense!

Today's scientists have taken a turn for the worse. Their mysterious campaign of deception was no doubt designed by several demons of the highest order, armed with Al Gore's calculator and more than likely orchestrated by the hoofed satyr, Lucifer, himself. Science is a "fuzzy math" and a blood-bought Baptist must have a spirit of discernment to see through secular science's toxic cloud of confusion. They mislead the public by creating different names for themselves. They say, "I'm a psychologist," or "I'm a therapist or microbiologist." Poppy-cock! That's what it is. They are nothing more than Satanists with spectacles and pockets full of pencils and rulers. In fact, the word "scientist" is actually Latin for "Satanist." Do they take Christians for fools?

What Can True Christians™ Do to Help Speed Up Global Warming So Jesus Comes Back Quicker?

I'm going to get a little controversial now, but someone has to speak the truth. The sissy Christians who pick and choose whatever Bible verse they like to fit their latest agenda will burn in Hell and give off just as pleasing a scent to the nostrils of the Lord as any hell bound, America hating Muslim will. It is these pansy, false Christians whose liberal ideas are polluting the spiritual truth of God's Word. I'll say it now, and I'll say it again and again! If you are a True Christian™, you shouldn't be recycling. True Christians™ shouldn't be attending Global Warming rallies, or be celebrating Earth Day. True Christians™ understand that worrying about such things, or supporting such efforts is in direct conflict with the Word of God! Friends, we can sum up our Evangelical stand on "Conservation" by making all these fancy scientifical types understand one truth: That is if Jesus can feed five thousand people with two stinky fish and five loaves of stale bread, He can certainly turn the lights back on and make clean air by just burping! Oh, Glory! Glory!


Science Doesn't Make Any Sense!

Today's scientists have taken a turn for the worse. Their mysterious campaign of deception was no doubt designed by several demons of the highest order, armed with Al Gore's calculator and more than likely orchestrated by the hoofed satyr, Lucifer, himself. Science is a "fuzzy math" and a blood-bought Baptist must have a spirit of discernment to see through secular science's toxic cloud of confusion. They mislead the public by creating different names for themselves. They say, "I'm a psychologist," or "I'm a therapist or microbiologist." Poppy-cock! That's what it is. They are nothing more than Satanists with spectacles and pockets full of pencils and rulers. In fact, the word "scientist" is actually Latin for "Satanist." Do they take Christians for fools?


Too much, too much. Half tempted to groan that one, but I'll let it go, and say this. Human kind, especially Christians, are supposed to be stewards of the Earth under biblical doctrine. If they think otherwise they are as phony as tofurky.
Do you even know what a poll is? It is when someone actually asks for answers from a random sampling of individuals. You claim that 97 percent of scientists agree. Which poll was this,what question did they ask, and who conducted the poll? Without a reputable poll, your assertion is completely baseless. So let's see it.

You couldn't be any more wrong

It is not a poll, it is a review of the literature, studies, coming from climate scientists over the course of time, in this case, over eleven thousand abstracts

But to further disprove your claim, it wasn't the only such review, with all conlcuding similar results
