A Bengals Fan

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
The Bengals are with out a doubt the worst team in the NFL. The primary reason why is obvious. Mike Brown has no intention what so ever of modernizing the team from it's 1970's business model as long as the organization continues to make money. As such being competative on the field is a far second place. It's something Brown wants badly but isn't willing to do the required work to become.

The second reason the Bengals suck is we Bengal fans continue to enable the second rate son of a great man. We watch their games on TV, we pay the high priced tickets and PSL's, we buy the gear and the City of Cincinnati buys his BS that he'll make the team competitive if they build him a new stadium. So they go 700 million into debt and gift wrap the bastard a new stadium and it's business as usual or should I say ineptitude as usual.

Well nothing will probably change until Mike Brown dies and even then no great changes will occur as long as Bengal fans enable Mike Brown to make us the laughing stock of the nation.

So from here on out, as long as Mike Brown is running the Bungels. I won't buy any tickets, I won't watch their games on TV, I won't buy and shorts or hats or gear, I will show them no support what so ever until they get rid of him. That's the only way us fans can affect change is to quit enabling Mike Brown. If they threaten to leave the City. Good fucking riddance. Their an embarrassment anyways. Let's see who else would suffer them.

I've had it!
Marvin Lewis must have naked pictures of the owner to still have his job.

One NFL analyst copared the Bengals to the corner store while the rest of the NFL is IBM.
The Bengals are with out a doubt the worst team in the NFL. The primary reason why is obvious. Mike Brown has no intention what so ever of modernizing the team from it's 1970's business model as long as the organization continues to make money. As such being competative on the field is a far second place. It's something Brown wants badly but isn't willing to do the required work to become.

The second reason the Bengals suck is we Bengal fans continue to enable the second rate son of a great man. We watch their games on TV, we pay the high priced tickets and PSL's, we buy the gear and the City of Cincinnati buys his BS that he'll make the team competitive if they build him a new stadium. So they go 700 million into debt and gift wrap the bastard a new stadium and it's business as usual or should I say ineptitude as usual.

Well nothing will probably change until Mike Brown dies and even then no great changes will occur as long as Bengal fans enable Mike Brown to make us the laughing stock of the nation.

So from here on out, as long as Mike Brown is running the Bungels. I won't buy any tickets, I won't watch their games on TV, I won't buy and shorts or hats or gear, I will show them no support what so ever until they get rid of him. That's the only way us fans can affect change is to quit enabling Mike Brown. If they threaten to leave the City. Good fucking riddance. Their an embarrassment anyways. Let's see who else would suffer them.

I've had it!

Leave the dark side and step into the light. We have a big tent.

Leave the dark side and step into the light. We have a big tent.

A big tent full of people who don't know who Ham, Lambert, Green, Greenwood, Stalworth, Swann, Franco or Blier are. A tent full of people that only know Terry Bradshaw from Fox Sports. A tent full of bandwagon jumpers who will just as soon wear a Patriots Jersey when they are on top as they will a Steelers Jersey. They have become the Dallas Cowboys of the AFC.

As for the Bengals, it's just going to get worse, Carson Palmer is probably going to threaten retirement if they don't trade him to a team that he approves of. To complain that it is totally Brown or Marv's fault is stupid too. The Bengals are a group of some of the biggest underachieving football stars in the NFL. Maybe if they got together as a team rather than a group of egotistical stars they would play better.
The yellow in the steelers uniforms used to be bright yellow but the water in Pittsburgh is so dirty it darkened the color when they wash their uniforms once a season. Being a diehard Browns fan I can sympathize with you. What the steelers have that the Bengals don't have is attitude, I think the talent is relatively even thru the league, mostly, and the Bengals and the Browns need a little success to kick start the 'we bad' attitude. The Brown's will be better next year no matter who the coach is and if they aren't... well, I've been orange and brown all my life and not going to change now. I know better than to tell you to back the Browns because even though I bleed orange I know how they can break your heart.
A big tent full of people who don't know who Ham, Lambert, Green, Greenwood, Stalworth, Swann, Franco or Blier are. A tent full of people that only know Terry Bradshaw from Fox Sports. A tent full of bandwagon jumpers who will just as soon wear a Patriots Jersey when they are on top as they will a Steelers Jersey. They have become the Dallas Cowboys of the AFC.

How can they be fans of pro football and not know those legendary names?

I hope this is jest, otherwise....
Marvin Lewis must have naked pictures of the owner to still have his job.

One NFL analyst copared the Bengals to the corner store while the rest of the NFL is IBM.
Like hell.....he's got a .470 record with the Bengals. Any other team and he'd deserve to be fired.....but that record with the Bungels probably makes him the best damned coach in the NFL! I defy any other coach in the NFL to come into Cincinnati with the resources Brown makes available and try to compete.

The IBM and 5&Dime analogy is an accurate one.
Leave the dark side and step into the light. We have a big tent.

That's the problem! I grew up hating the Stealers and The Clowns. How the fuck can I root for them? I hate the bastards! Root for the Dolts? I'd rather gnaw my arm off. Nope, till the Bungles decide to become a professional football team the only thing I have to say is.........

A big tent full of people who don't know who Ham, Lambert, Green, Greenwood, Stalworth, Swann, Franco or Blier are. A tent full of people that only know Terry Bradshaw from Fox Sports. A tent full of bandwagon jumpers who will just as soon wear a Patriots Jersey when they are on top as they will a Steelers Jersey. They have become the Dallas Cowboys of the AFC.

As for the Bengals, it's just going to get worse, Carson Palmer is probably going to threaten retirement if they don't trade him to a team that he approves of. To complain that it is totally Brown or Marv's fault is stupid too. The Bengals are a group of some of the biggest underachieving football stars in the NFL. Maybe if they got together as a team rather than a group of egotistical stars they would play better.
I couldn't disagree with you more. Mike Brown is completely at fault. As long as his team is in the top half of the league in earnings he will not change or modernize his organization. It's only until he's hit in the purse will this organization change. If even then.

I think the best comment I can give you to indicate that this is solely Mike Browns fault is after he fired Dick LeBeau a man who is a defensive genious he said "I realise our organization needs to change but we need to do so slowly."

Does that give you an idea how clueless the man at the top is?
The yellow in the steelers uniforms used to be bright yellow but the water in Pittsburgh is so dirty it darkened the color when they wash their uniforms once a season. Being a diehard Browns fan I can sympathize with you. What the steelers have that the Bengals don't have is attitude, I think the talent is relatively even thru the league, mostly, and the Bengals and the Browns need a little success to kick start the 'we bad' attitude. The Brown's will be better next year no matter who the coach is and if they aren't... well, I've been orange and brown all my life and not going to change now. I know better than to tell you to back the Browns because even though I bleed orange I know how they can break your heart.
Yes, you do understand. I grew up with tiger stripes and hating the Browns. I just can't switch it on for them. When the old man was still alive we were a competetive organization. The problem is, were still the same organization that we were in 1990 and a lot has changed since then. I'm at my ropes end. I see no hope for the Bengals as long as Mike Brown is calling the shots. Mikey boy has no incentive to change. WTF, the Bengals may have the worst record in the last 20 years in the NFL but their in the top half of the league in profits. Unless they suffer financially, Mike Brown simply won't change.
The Bengals are the Clippers of the NFL.

No were actually worse. No professional sports team in the USA has a lower winning perecntage in the last 20 years then the Bengals. The truly aggravating thing is that no amount of evidence of the need for change will make Mike Brown change.

The only thing us fans of Cincinnati sports can really do to affect change is to not support the Bengals financially. I urge anyone in the Cincinnatie or tri-state area to do just that.
How can they be fans of pro football and not know those legendary names?

I hope this is jest, otherwise....
I think the Obvious answer there is, there just not old enough. I never heard of Red Grange or Bronco Nagurski and other hall of famers from the 50's till I went to the HoF in Canton.
A big tent full of people who don't know who Ham, Lambert, Green, Greenwood, Stalworth, Swann, Franco or Blier are. A tent full of people that only know Terry Bradshaw from Fox Sports. A tent full of bandwagon jumpers who will just as soon wear a Patriots Jersey when they are on top as they will a Steelers Jersey. They have become the Dallas Cowboys of the AFC.

As for the Bengals, it's just going to get worse, Carson Palmer is probably going to threaten retirement if they don't trade him to a team that he approves of. To complain that it is totally Brown or Marv's fault is stupid too. The Bengals are a group of some of the biggest underachieving football stars in the NFL. Maybe if they got together as a team rather than a group of egotistical stars they would play better.

I know those guys. My father pounded their greatness into me.

I even read Bleier's book, Fighting Back. It really was inspirational.
The yellow in the steelers uniforms used to be bright yellow but the water in Pittsburgh is so dirty it darkened the color when they wash their uniforms once a season. Being a diehard Browns fan I can sympathize with you. What the steelers have that the Bengals don't have is attitude, I think the talent is relatively even thru the league, mostly, and the Bengals and the Browns need a little success to kick start the 'we bad' attitude. The Brown's will be better next year no matter who the coach is and if they aren't... well, I've been orange and brown all my life and not going to change now. I know better than to tell you to back the Browns because even though I bleed orange I know how they can break your heart.

Just my opinion but I see Steeler Nation hating more on the Baltimorons now, than on Cleveland. It started when the franchise moved in the '90s. I've followed the Browns since they had a comeback of sorts in 2009 and actually supported them, except when they played against us. Maybe Shurmur will be able to lift them up better than Mangini did.
Just my opinion but I see Steeler Nation hating more on the Baltimorons now, than on Cleveland. It started when the franchise moved in the '90s. I've followed the Browns since they had a comeback of sorts in 2009 and actually supported them, except when they played against us. Maybe Shurmur will be able to lift them up better than Mangini did.

Don't hijack my thread. It's not about the Steelheads or the Clowns!! It's about the Bungels.
Wow, Here's some stats that show the stark difference between Paul Brown and his son Mike. Both have had tenures as the chief executive of the Bengals for 22 years. Here's the differences in their records.

Paul Brown era
1970s 74-70. 5th best record in the AFC.
1980s 81-71. 4th best record in the AFC.

Combined 70/80s. 155-141, 4th best record in AFC

Mike Brown era
1990s 52-108. Worst record in the NFL
2000s 68-91-1 3rd worst record in AFC (I know...hard to believe it's not the worst!)

combined 1990/2000 120-199-1. Worst in the NFL.

That's the hard part for me to except growing up when the Bengals were one of the top AFC teams in the toughest division in the NFL being led by the greatest coach in the History of football. Then POOF being relegated to a joke by his second rate son.