A better way to deal with the next virus


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Ignoring that the Wuhan virus is really no worse than the flu, isn't there a better way to deal with a new super-virus other than shutting down the economy?

Think of the trillions of dollars the government is spending, couldn't it be better spent, or not spent?

For example, commission the manufacture of millions of masks and mail them out to everyone in America, and require that masks be worn in public?
Ignoring that the Wuhan virus is really no worse than the flu, isn't there a better way to deal with a new super-virus other than shutting down the economy?

Think of the trillions of dollars the government is spending, couldn't it be better spent, or not spent?

For example, commission the manufacture of millions of masks and mail them out to everyone in America, and require that masks be worn in public?

I'd like to see that happening down since May 1 seems to be the day to reopen!