A born again American

I'm in. I signed it and I will pass it on to everyone I have on my various lists.

Thanks Desh
What does this group advocate? It says they only seek to increase voter participation in the ABOUT US part.

There's workingman complaining about outsourcing, does that mean this group won't fold as soon as one inside the beltway shithead calls them dirty protectionists?
What does this group advocate? It says they only seek to increase voter participation in the ABOUT US part.

There's workingman complaining about outsourcing, does that mean this group won't fold as soon as one inside the beltway shithead calls them dirty protectionists?

This is about an individual pledge to stay informed and to particpate. I can't see any agenda. All I see is an encouragement to be involved in the process.

It is also a big plus to remind the citizens that the president and congress work for us, not the other way around.
It is also a big plus to remind the citizens that the president and congress work for us, not the other way around.

What a novel concept.
It is also a big plus to remind the citizens that the president and congress work for us, not the other way around.

What a novel concept.

I think that might require you to pay them more than the corporations.

Good luck with that.
This is about an individual pledge to stay informed and to particpate. I can't see any agenda. All I see is an encouragement to be involved in the process.

It is also a big plus to remind the citizens that the president and congress work for us, not the other way around.

So it's for idiots then. No thinking person can get motivated by empty platitudes and pointless bullshit. It's perfect for you.
So it's for idiots then. No thinking person can get motivated by empty platitudes and pointless bullshit. It's perfect for you.

When was the last time you called your representatives, asshat?

When was the last time you participated in any way except going onto a political forum and calling people fascist?

But if you think its for idiots, then stay away from the site. Hopefully, there will be millions who participate and you stay home.
When was the last time you called your representatives, asshat?

When was the last time you participated in any way except going onto a political forum and calling people fascist?

But if you think its for idiots, then stay away from the site. Hopefully, there will be millions who participate and you stay home.

Yeah. Calling your representative means a lot. You fucking idiot, these people are paid to screw us. Your little stupid group means nothing. It doesn't even have a point of view besides pollyanna bullshitism.

We live in a fascist state controlled by bankers and ceos. Politicians are just paid to pass the laws they need to screw us.
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its sad to see some think the founders ideas are dead.

I'm not ready to give up yet.

I'm going to keep trying to make this system live up to its promise.

Lie down and die if you think you must ,I refuse to go gentlely into that good night.
It's just a site that preaches a few platitudes and sucks up peoples dollars while not doing anything.

Want to get something accomplished? Give money to ACORN.
its sad to see some think the founders ideas are dead.

I'm not ready to give up yet.

I'm going to keep trying to make this system live up to its promise.

Lie down and die if you think you must ,I refuse to go gentlely into that good night.

That site espouses no views. It's intellectually vacuous.
What he said.

I'm struggling to work out what the site's aims are, apart from harvesting e-mail addresses and trying to get you to buy some tat.

You could be right, I doubt anyone could really believe that Americans would actually vow to be stewards fo their democracy again, Its takes too much of their precious shopping time away.