A brief history of the Iraq War...


Will work for Scooby snacks
Mission accomplished; Bring on the last few dead enders, because the more violent Iraq becomes, the more it proves Bush’s plan is working.

Whoever said it was ever about WMD? Freedom’s on the march! And how about those mass graves?

Uday dead, Qusay dead, Saddam dead, Zaraqwi dead: Bush was Right!

The insurgency is in its last throes, but we always told you it going to be a long, hard slog: Bush didn’t lie!

The Coalition of the Willing isn’t falling apart -- what about Poland!

The liberal media is ignoring all the good news (some cars didn’t blow up in Iraq today!), but its hard work, and we’ll stand down as Iraqi troops stand up.

Al Qaeda in Iraq is in its demise, and the “New Way Forward” will prove that the surge is working.

The Iraq war would have worked out great, if only Bush had planned a little better, and if only liberals hadn’t been cheering for our defeat.

Bottom line: Bush was right!
Mission accomplished; Bring on the last few dead enders, because the more violent Iraq becomes, the more it proves Bush’s plan is working.

Whoever said it was ever about WMD? Freedom’s on the march! And how about those mass graves?

Uday dead, Qusay dead, Saddam dead, Zaraqwi dead: Bush was Right!

The insurgency is in its last throes, but we always told you it going to be a long, hard slog: Bush didn’t lie!

The Coalition of the Willing isn’t falling apart -- what about Poland!

The liberal media is ignoring all the good news (some cars didn’t blow up in Iraq today!), but its hard work, and we’ll stand down as Iraqi troops stand up.

Al Qaeda in Iraq is in its demise, and the “New Way Forward” will prove that the surge is working.

The Iraq war would have worked out great, if only Bush had planned a little better, and if only liberals hadn’t been cheering for our defeat.

Bottom line: Bush was right!

I could so see Dixuck writing this as a serious editorial piece.