A Cesspool Of Snakes


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The congressional Republicans once again show their cowardice and incompetence for governing.

In the face of Chuckie Schumer’s threat to shut down the government and blame the moron Republicans for it and make it stick as the Democrats are sooo very talented doing, the Repubs agreed to send millions again to Planned Parenthood dump Trump’s request for a billion for his wall and forget about holding back federal funds from Sanctuary Cities who disobey federal laws.

As I predicted when Trump won the Presidency, he hasn’t a clue how to wheel and deal in Washington’s swamp. It ain’t a business whereby all he has to do is dictate the next move. Washington is a cesspool full of cowards and back stabbing snakes. It’s nearly as corrupt as some 3rd world countries.

The Republican congress are cowards and snakes, exactly like their Democrat counter parts.

Trump is a naive amateur drowning in a cesspool of filthy snakes and political assassins.