I heard an African American woman, who identified herself as Jenny, a Lifelong Democrat from Georgia, this morning. The topic was, of course, Barack Obama- I'll tell you ONE thing. This guy has DEFINITELY made his future, ONE way or another. NO ONE will forget him NOW. But the topic was, Barack's sincerity, judgement, and Love of Country, to be President. The woman identified herself, and I expected to hear a defense of Black Churches, or a defense of the First Black Candidate in History, as people like to call him, which is GREAT.
But we don't want the First Black Candidate in History JUST BECAUSE he's the First Black Candidate in History, do we? Or the First Black Candidate in History to RUIN the country, do we?
So anyway, Jenny, the lady from Georgia, told her history of parents and grandparents being Democrats, as was SHE.
Then she said, "I don't understand WHY so many people are so upset! Barack Obama was like a GHOST, for the past YEAR! He told us NOTHING about his PAST, NONE of the things that are coming out NOW. The TV and newspaper people didn't do THEIR job, either. I am SHOCKED and EMBARRASSED by the things that Rev. Wright says in his sermons, and I want all the people out there to know, that the things Rev. Wright says are NOT what the Black Church experience is like, for most of us. He makes me ASHAMED, not to be Black, of course, but to be part of a Historically Black Church. I am a Baptist, and I have NEVER heard Preaching like THAT.
But what REALLY bothers me, is that Barack Obama, who I was planning on voting for, is trying to tell us that he was a Charter Memeber of Rev. Wright's Church for Twenty Years, and he DID NOT KNOW? Can he really expect to gain the confidence and trust of the American People by asking us to believe that? And he not only went to hear the Rev speak, every week, but he bought TAPED SERMONS, so he could "fortify" his opinions. Those are Barack's words. Oprah Winfrey was a member of the SAME church. Once she heard those foul comments, what she saw as Hate, she LEFT that church very soon after. WHY did Barack STAY, for 20 years?
Why, indeed, Jenny. That is the question ALL Americans, who plan on voting for Barack, must ask themselves. WHY, would a supposedly Intelligent Man, stay in a Church with VERY controversial speech, many call it Hate Speech, for TWENTY Years, unless he AGREED with it? THAT is the Very Simple Question I referred to, in the title. There can ONLY be THREE possibilities: 1.) Barack KNEW the Rev. viewpoints on "White People", KNEW his views on America's Government, History, and Values- "EVIL, and DAMED TO HELL!", and Barack AGREED with those views, and STILL does. That would make him a terrible Liar.
2.) Barack knew NOTHING of the Rev.'s Racist and Anti-American views, like he says, even though Oprah Winfrey knew it, as SOON as she heard it, and being Oprah, I'm sure she was JUST as busy, probably MORE. THAT, would make Barack a TOTAL IDIOT, with not the BRAINS to be President.
Or 3.) Barack KNEW ALL the Rev.'s views, heard them repeatedly, and knew that it may someday be a problem, if he sought Higher Office, but felt he HAD to stay in the Church, because he had an AGENDA. He HAD to stay, because having such a life of priveliges and opportunities that he and his wife did, they were judged as "Not Black Enough", as Sharpton called him, and needed "Street Cred", needed something he could point to and say, "See, look at THAT! I'm part of a Militant, Hate-Whitey Church!"
All signs point to No.#, now that an interview has come out, from April 2007, where REV. WRIGHT HIMSELF told Barcak, "Y'know, if you make it past the nomination, you MAY haveto "DISTANCE YOURSELF" from me." So they KNEW it might become a problem, because they both KNEW that Rev. Wright's statements and sermons were Racist and Anti-American, but they didn't think it would STICK to Obama, this BAD, and this SOON.
I give you this information because it is the TRUTH. Do with it what you will. But if you TRULY believe this man is a Good Candidate, you should have NO TROUBLE answering the above question. Which IS it, NO. 1, 2, or 3 ????
But we don't want the First Black Candidate in History JUST BECAUSE he's the First Black Candidate in History, do we? Or the First Black Candidate in History to RUIN the country, do we?
So anyway, Jenny, the lady from Georgia, told her history of parents and grandparents being Democrats, as was SHE.
Then she said, "I don't understand WHY so many people are so upset! Barack Obama was like a GHOST, for the past YEAR! He told us NOTHING about his PAST, NONE of the things that are coming out NOW. The TV and newspaper people didn't do THEIR job, either. I am SHOCKED and EMBARRASSED by the things that Rev. Wright says in his sermons, and I want all the people out there to know, that the things Rev. Wright says are NOT what the Black Church experience is like, for most of us. He makes me ASHAMED, not to be Black, of course, but to be part of a Historically Black Church. I am a Baptist, and I have NEVER heard Preaching like THAT.
But what REALLY bothers me, is that Barack Obama, who I was planning on voting for, is trying to tell us that he was a Charter Memeber of Rev. Wright's Church for Twenty Years, and he DID NOT KNOW? Can he really expect to gain the confidence and trust of the American People by asking us to believe that? And he not only went to hear the Rev speak, every week, but he bought TAPED SERMONS, so he could "fortify" his opinions. Those are Barack's words. Oprah Winfrey was a member of the SAME church. Once she heard those foul comments, what she saw as Hate, she LEFT that church very soon after. WHY did Barack STAY, for 20 years?
Why, indeed, Jenny. That is the question ALL Americans, who plan on voting for Barack, must ask themselves. WHY, would a supposedly Intelligent Man, stay in a Church with VERY controversial speech, many call it Hate Speech, for TWENTY Years, unless he AGREED with it? THAT is the Very Simple Question I referred to, in the title. There can ONLY be THREE possibilities: 1.) Barack KNEW the Rev. viewpoints on "White People", KNEW his views on America's Government, History, and Values- "EVIL, and DAMED TO HELL!", and Barack AGREED with those views, and STILL does. That would make him a terrible Liar.
2.) Barack knew NOTHING of the Rev.'s Racist and Anti-American views, like he says, even though Oprah Winfrey knew it, as SOON as she heard it, and being Oprah, I'm sure she was JUST as busy, probably MORE. THAT, would make Barack a TOTAL IDIOT, with not the BRAINS to be President.
Or 3.) Barack KNEW ALL the Rev.'s views, heard them repeatedly, and knew that it may someday be a problem, if he sought Higher Office, but felt he HAD to stay in the Church, because he had an AGENDA. He HAD to stay, because having such a life of priveliges and opportunities that he and his wife did, they were judged as "Not Black Enough", as Sharpton called him, and needed "Street Cred", needed something he could point to and say, "See, look at THAT! I'm part of a Militant, Hate-Whitey Church!"
All signs point to No.#, now that an interview has come out, from April 2007, where REV. WRIGHT HIMSELF told Barcak, "Y'know, if you make it past the nomination, you MAY haveto "DISTANCE YOURSELF" from me." So they KNEW it might become a problem, because they both KNEW that Rev. Wright's statements and sermons were Racist and Anti-American, but they didn't think it would STICK to Obama, this BAD, and this SOON.
I give you this information because it is the TRUTH. Do with it what you will. But if you TRULY believe this man is a Good Candidate, you should have NO TROUBLE answering the above question. Which IS it, NO. 1, 2, or 3 ????