Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
A white city councilman is refusing to step down from his position following backlash from several racist videos he made to promote his sports bar. Steve Sundberg of Aurora, Colo., made the videos back in 2020 to promote his Legends of Aurora Sports Grill, but it wasn’t until the end of last year that controversy ensued.
In the footage, he portrayed Black, Asian, Latino and Muslim people, and used racist and religious stereotypes to do so. Sundberg made more than a dozen videos before he was elected to office in 2021. In one, he dons traditional Muslim clothing—including a turban—sitting on a prayer mat.
The city of Aurora is one of the most diverse in Colorado. Out of its 400,000 residents, nearly 30% are Latino, 16% are Black and 6% are Asian. During a City Council meeting last month, several residents demanded that Sundberg step down. Aurora Councilwoman Alison Coombs stated: “It’s been harmful to the community, and his response has been inappropriate.”
In the footage, he portrayed Black, Asian, Latino and Muslim people, and used racist and religious stereotypes to do so. Sundberg made more than a dozen videos before he was elected to office in 2021. In one, he dons traditional Muslim clothing—including a turban—sitting on a prayer mat.
The city of Aurora is one of the most diverse in Colorado. Out of its 400,000 residents, nearly 30% are Latino, 16% are Black and 6% are Asian. During a City Council meeting last month, several residents demanded that Sundberg step down. Aurora Councilwoman Alison Coombs stated: “It’s been harmful to the community, and his response has been inappropriate.”