A conservative for pres in 2008 !

Man best hire a writer or two. I'd have gotten C's and D's in freshman composition for that prose . . . and that's high school freshman.
Check it out. I heard about it on the vidiot training device.


LMAO... WTF is a "vidiot training device" ...or should I ask?

It sounds like it might be a new device adopted by pinhead trainers for new recruits. I feel I need further explanation on this!

As for Adams, how old is this guy? Becasue, I think you have to be over 18 to run.... don't you?

My personal dream ticket, is Rudi Gulliani and Steve Forbes. Push a flat tax, abolish the IRS for good, and promote conservative responsible government. Control the borders, and other internal security risks, have a strong foreign policy and national defense position on the war on terror, and moderate on the social issues to a more 'libertarian' viewpoint. Not in the literal sense of trying to implement a libertarian policy as much as just not taking any proactive measures in those areas, other than to defer to society to decide what they will, a neutral stance.

To me, as a conservative, that would be the ultimate platform. I think it would resonate with a large portion of conservative America, as well as the more libertine, who prefer conservative fiscal policy, but can do without the conservative social policy. I also think this is exactly what Hillary hopes to portray herself as, when the time comes.
It's 35. You have to be 35 or older and born in the US to be President. 30 for Senators, 25 for the House.
Yep, that is right. Is the part on congressional age requirements in the constitution or just legislated ?