A contribution for the Creation Science Museum


Will work for Scooby snacks
It makes sense I would have a few percent Homo Erectus DNA, I always felt like I had to work harder than my graduate school peers. (j/k)

Some Humans Are Carrying DNA From an Unknown Ancient Ancestor

A new analysis of the genomes of the most famous of ancient humans - Neanderthals and Denisovans - has revealed an as-yet-unidentified ancestor for our species – a branch of our distant family tree without any known label to put to it.

The study also finds further evidence of interbreeding between humans and Neanderthals, but places it much earlier than we previously knew - some 200,000 to 300,000 years ago. This interbreeding would therefore add new insight into the increasingly complicated history of our emergence as a species, and of our migration out of Africa.

There is the possibility that the unknown ancestor is actually Homo erectus, an archaic human ancestor thought to have died out more than 100,000 years ago – but as no H. erectus DNA has ever been found, we don't know for sure.

It makes sense I would have a few percent Homo Erectus DNA, I always felt like I had to work harder than my graduate school peers. (j/k)

I don't understand why people obsess on this. Evolution helps us understand our biology. Creation is for religious fanatics. Who cares what ignorant people believe.
I don't understand why people obsess on this. Evolution helps us understand our biology. Creation is for religious fanatics. Who cares what ignorant people believe.

I think it's only the fundamentalist which freak out.

I also think it is not just evolution pe see that annoys them

It is specifically neo-Darwinian evolution which is a real body blow. Because random genetic mutation in the context of natural selection can seemingly leave no room for orderly directed evolution from a higher power.
I don't understand why people obsess on this. Evolution helps us understand our biology. Creation is for religious fanatics. Who cares what ignorant people believe.

I do understand as I have been one myself. But what I do not understand how such a minority has a major influence on our government and politics.
I do understand as I have been one myself. But what I do not understand how such a minority has a major influence on our government and politics.

I don't think you have to worry about the Homo erectus. They're not really that big of a Voting Bloc. :(
In praise of Homo Erectus

Homo Erectus was seemingly the most successful hominid in evolutionary history.

They lasted about 1.5 million years (longer than any other know hominid species), they were the first hominids out of Africa to populate Eurasia, and their residual DNA is seemingly ubiquitous in the dimwitted MAGA cult.