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So, will you Yanks seriously elect a corrupt, Marxist whore to the White House as your de facto POTUS on the 3rd of November ? That's what I've been wondering ever since I heard "Sleepy Joe" had picked Kamala Harris as his election running mate.

Kamala Harris fucked her way up the ranks of California politics and eventually into the US Senate, now she has the White House in her sights.

In 1994, Kamala Harris began a two-year extramarital affair with a man widely regarded as the most influential African - American politician of the late 20th century, one Willie L. Brown. Their relationship ended in 1995 when Brown was elected mayor of San Francisco While he was an extremely influential politician, Brown was also an extremely corrupt one, and although he was investigated by the authorities (including the FBI) several times he was extremely shrewd and was never actually charged with any criminal offences.

Willie Brown began his career in politics when he won election to the California State Assembly (CSA) in 1964. In 1969 he was made Democratic party whip. Then in 1980, he was declared the first African American Speaker of the CSA, he remained in that post for 15 years, making him the longest - serving Speaker ever of that body. In 1994 he was elected mayor of San Francisco, he was re-elected in 1999 and finally left office in 2004. Shortly after entering politics Brown teamed up with an old friend and together they established a powerful political network that became known as the Brown - (John) Burton political machine before too long, however Willie Brown created his own San Francisco political machine and wielded a tremendous, (unprecedented) amount of power and influence. By the time he was made Speaker of the CSA, he had almost complete control over the California legislature and boastfully referred to himself as the "Ayatollah of the Assembly"

Kamala Harris attended law school at the University of California, Hastings College of law. While there she served as president of its chapter of the Black Law Students' Association. She graduated with a Juris Doctor in 1989 and passed the bar examination in June of 1990. Later in 1990, Harris was hired as a deputy district attorney in Alameda County, California where she was noted as being an able prosecutor "on the way up." But Harris must have decided that her career was not moving up quickly enough and being very ambitious, she came with the idea of screwing her way up the career ranks with Willie Brown. Brown was very well known in California at the time for using his tremendous political influence to practice favoritism and political patronage. Because Willie Brown was something of a celebrity, Harris would have known that he was, despite being married an inveterate philander and as a quite attractive younger Black female lawyer it would probably be quite easy for her to lure him into an "affaire de coeur"The fact that she was 29 years old and Brown was 61 years old, was evidently not an issue for Harris who did, in fact, succeed in ensnaring Willie Brown in an adulterous tryst that began in 1994 The salacious details of their sexual relationship - which lasted around two years - are doubtless horrifying, and I have no interest in them. One small thing I do find amusing, however, is that it was as a result of her affair with Willie Brown that Kamala Harris earned her former nick-name SPANK ME !!:)

Kamala Harris' sleazy, "fuck- to- the- top", strategy soon paid dividends. Willie Brown was Speaker of the California Assembly when he appointed Harris to two plumb, well-paid state commission assignments in the 1990's, one was the Unemployment Insurance Board, the other was the California Medical Assistance Commission. Brown also help Harris with her first race for District Attorney in San Francisco, hooking her up with campaign donors, which ultimately helped her to outraise her opponent and win the election for District Attorney. Kamala Harris is where she is today as a result of political patronage -( or should I say POONTRONAGE) - and she was granted that patronage by selling herself as a whore - a sex toy for a powerful politician called Willie Brown .Harris didn't work her way up the career ladder through hard work like most decent women do she is where she is now because she took a "quick and dirty" short-cut called prostitution and fucked her way up the political ranks in California.



Kamala Harris provides a shining example of an #Empowered, #Independent woman. She is truly an inspiration for every young girl across America ! Girls, you can be anything you want to be !! All you have to do is seek out powerful men with lots of influence who are 30 years older than you and offer to suck their TALLYWACKERS for a while (make sure you practice on a banana beforehand). After that you, drop your pants, hoist your skirt and spread your legs open for them to play "hide the sausage" in the hole of their choice. After you've done this a few times, you can then ask if they will help sort you out with a good job or help you pay off your student loan debt or help with whatever other pressing financial issues you have.


Kamala Harris was not only an ambitious whore, she proved to be a coldly calculating and conniving one as well. Here's what Willie Brown recently had to say about how Harris treated him after she got what she wanted (the DA of San Francisco position)....

"The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that that I would be indicted if I 'so much as jay-walked' while she was District Attorney, Brown wrote, That's politics for ya."[I

What a cold-blooded, devious bitch - positively reptilian, or perhaps "arachnoid" would be a more appropriate descriptor. She brings to mind the iconic ""BLACK WIDOW" spider. Spiders, like the "Black Widow" are known for their practice of sexual cannibalism. Sexual cannibalism is where a female spider cannibalizes her mate after copulation. There are a number of hypotheses that have been proposes to explain this seemingly paradoxical behavior, one is the "Aggressive Spillover" hypothesis. The later suggests that the more aggressive a female spider is concerning prey, the more likely she is to cannibalize a mate mate after coitus. This theory seems to explain Harris' behavior to a "T"; she is a hostile, venomous, vituperative harpy to be sure. If you need to refresh you memory, call up a video of her hateful, condescending grilling of Brett Kavanaugh (in 2018) in the matter of the malicious and entirely bogus allegations of sexual abuse that were forwarded against him by an unhinged bitch named Christine Blasey Ford. Kamala Harris dramatically shouted during this travesty of justice: "I believe Christine Blasey Ford", but it transpired that not only was Blasey Ford repeatedly exposed lying through her teeth, iron-clad evidence subsequently came to light that her prime motivation for smearing Kavanaugh was that she feared he would if appointed as a Supreme Court Justice -, vote to repeal the 1973 "Roe Vs Wade" abortion ruling by the Supreme Court that legalized abortion on demand in the US throughout the entire 9 months of pregnancy. Blasey Ford perjured herself before a Senate committee in the process of trying to destroy Brett Kavanaugh's life, but no charges were laid. Kamala Harris can also be seen trying to aggressively hector and intimidate AG Barr in a recent (1st June, 2019) Senate hearing that she Chaired into the Mueller Report and the list of other Senate interviews in which Harris behaved like a vicious, malicious pig goes on.


Sleepy Joe Biden has lost his marbles and now his handlers in the Democratic Party have made Kamala Harris his running mate for the election in November. If Biden were to somehow win
-(And who knows ? Anything can happen in politics; particularly in a year that has seen the COVID-19 pandemic unleash havoc across the nation, and there has been widespread civil unrest with violent rioting breaking out in over 700 American cities) Kamala Harris, while technically the Vice President would effectively be the new POTUS. But is she a fit person to occupy the White House?

I am not, nor, I'm sure, are you, under the illusion that the White House has only ever been occupied by honorable men of impeccable moral character - by saintly individuals who were paragons of virtue, and the possessors of profound wisdom. There have certainly been US Presidents who have fallen short of such lofty standards.(1) ....DONALD TRUMPDonald Trump, for example, is constantly criticized for his bullying and boorish behaviors, he has also boasted of his "pussy grabbing" exploits and consequently been excoriated as a male chauvinist pig by the "Pink Pussy Hat" brigade. The American left claims he is a racist, they are probably right in the sense that Trump is, by his own admission, a great Anglophile, so does he think the White Anglo-Saxon race is superior? I would say "Yes, he does", so by the criteria the left use to determine who is and who is not a racist, I guess Trump is a racist. As to his other peccadilloes, it seems likely that he had a brief sexual affair with a female porn star called ,"Stormy Daniels", in 2006 while he was married. Daniels was not slow in dishing up the salacious details of her four-month tryst with Trump, telling the press in one interview that the President's penis was , "smaller than average, and nested in Yeti hair, through it had a giant head and looked like a toadstool" :palm:(2).....JOHN F. KENNEDY The there was JFK, whose short 1000- day administration was certainly nothing like its popular sobriquet, "Camelot"- the mythical seat of King Arthur and his chivalrous Knights of the Round Table. John F Kennedy was well-known to be over-sexed "horndog;" he once complained to British Prime Minister Harold MacMillan, that he would suffer headaches unless her had sex every day. He is known to have fucked three very young White House interns, one, whom he called, "Mimi" was only 18 years old when - after giving her recreational drugs - he deflowered her in Jacki Kennedy's bedroom. Two other interns nicked-named "Fiddle" and "Faddle" had regular threesome orgies with JFK in the White House swimming pool Kennedy had such a rapacious libido that he was known to have his Secret Service procure attractive , common prostitutes for him to have sex with whenever he fel at strong "urge". JFK's list of celebrity conquests is impressive, and includes: Marilyn Monroe; Marlene Dietrich; Angie Dickinson, Anit Exberg (actress and former global sex symbol); Gene Tierney (Hollywood star) and many more glamourous socialites and Hollywood starlets. He even had sex with a beautiful, East German (DDR) communist spy during the Cold War, but that's a story you can look up for yourself(3).......BILL CLINTON ("SLICK WILLIE") Bill Clinton is another reprobate. When he was in office, he was caught having an extramarital sexual relationship with a young White House intern called Monica Lewinsky. At the time this relationship began in 199, Lewinsky was just 22 years old while Clinton was 49 years-old. Their tryst concluded in 1997, and in 1998 it was revealed to the public and became a major political sex scandal in America. The relation between Clinton and Lewinsky consisted of her giving him a series of Blow-Jobs in a room directly next to the Oval Office, Clinton later said that they (the Blow-Jobs) were good for "relieving stress". Lewinsky told how Clinton reciprocated on occasion by inserting Cuban Cigars in her vagina to arouse her (GROSS !!). It is almost certain that Clinton had full sexual intercourse with Lewinsky, but we will probably never know for sure. Near the end of their sexual relationship (Blow-Jobs) Clinton ejaculated on a blue dress that Lewinsky was wearing when she was sucking him off. A friend of Lewinsky told her not to have the semen stain washed off the dress, rather, to leave it there as an "insurance policy." Anyway, when the scandal broke publicly in January 1998, Clinton went on national television and said very emphatically "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms Lewinsky." After this, the scandal ended up court and a scientific test of the semen stain on Lewinsky's blue dress was ordered, it revealed a precise DNA match with a sample of Bill Clinton's blood. So, Clinton is now in hot water because there is irrefutable, conclusive proof that he had "shot his load" on Lewinsky. He was asked in court if he had ever had sexual relations with Monica Lewinski. Clinton basically said "How exactly do you define the term "sexual relations ?" The prosecution then had to retire in order to hastily cobble together a definition of the term "sexual relations" from the relevant legal literature. They came back with this definition of "sexual relations"...."A person engages in sexual relations when the person knowingly engages in or causes contact with the genitals, anus, inner thigh, groin, breast or buttocks of any person with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any other person." Clinton noted, that technically, this definition would only make GIVING BLOW-JOBS a form of "sexual relation, but NOT RECEIVING BLOW-JOBS So" Clinton stated that he did not have sexual relations with that woman" The court didn't buy it , because let's face it, if some girl is sucking you off, it's pretty clear that you ARE involved in a sexual activity, isn't it. Clinton was punished harshly for his attempt to mislead the court and actually ended up being charged with perjury and then impeached (on two articles of impeachment: (1) perjury and (2) obstructing the course of justice) The Senate cleared him of the charges in the articles of impeachment after a marathon 21-day trial. But Clinton did not get away scot-free, he ended up being fined $90,000 for having mislead the court and having his license to practice law in Arkansas revoked for 5 years; in addition, the Supreme Court prohibited him from bringing any legal case before them. Just goes to show you (guys) the kind of major trouble a few casual Blow-Jobs can get you in:):) Clinton also had a sexual affair with Elizabeth Gracen in 1983. Gracen had been crowned both Miss Arkansas and Miss America in 1982. He was also embroiled in a sexual scandal with a woman called Paula Jones, an Arkansas state clerk, who filed suit against Bill Clinton for sexual harassment on 1st Jan 1994. The amount of womanizing Clinton engaged in was extraordinary and he is currently in strife again, facing allegations of having travelled to former paedophile, Jeffrey Epstein's, exclusive island to engage in sex with young (underage) girls. Clinton scandals that do not involve him sexual misconduct are also plentiful: the "White Water" real estate scandal (1978); "Filegate", a scandal involving the improper management of FBI files, "TravelGate" (1993); "NannyGate" (1993); DADT ("Don't Ask, Don't Tell") a highly unethical policy that had a negative impact on LGBTQI persons serving in the American armed forces, along with many others. BARACK OBAMA I'll finish my examples with the most immoral and corrupt in American history - Barack Hussein Obama. Obama was elected in 2008 after serving the previous three years in the Senate, He was the first African - American to be elected POTUS, and was re-elected in 2012. Obama was a crook. He went into office with a net worth of $250,000 and left office after 8 years later worth over ONE BILLION DOLLARS. Given his salary was less than $200,000, it would be impossible for an honest man to make so much money so quickly. Obama was a disgrace to the United States of America. We now know he ordered the weaponizing of his FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ and other "Deep State" entities in a bid to destroy Donald Trump. Obama activated his coup attempt in 2015 by spying on Trump's election campaign. After Trump won the election Trump he was illegally surveilled along with incoming NSA, General Michael Flynn. General Flynn was framed and led into a "perjury trap" in 2017 by two of Obama's crooked, FBI goons, who even went so low as to threaten Flynn's son should Flynn not "play ball". Obama, and his then VP, Biden, knew that Flynn had done absolutely nothing wrong but had no qualms about deciding to try and destroy Flynn's life. For three and a half years President Donald Trump was falsely attacked for having colluded with Russian agents to influence the 2016 election. Obama's FBI and CIA broke every rule in the book in their quest to destroy Trump and the leftist Democrat media cheered them on forte There was a bogus investigation set up - the Mueller investigation, which Mueller himself know was a travesty. Th n Trump was impeached without any hard evidence, literally ZERO having been bought forward to justify the two articles of impeachment issued against him. ALL OF THESE DISGUSTING, ILLEGAL DEMOCRAT ATTACKS AGAINST PRESIDENT TRUMP CAN BE TRACED BACK TO ONE SOURCE -BARACK HUSSEIN OMBAMAL There is enough hard evidence now to prove this, (and the fact that Sleepy Joe Biden was up to his neck in it as well) I cannot recall a more disgraceful and dastardly episode in the political history of America than "Obamagate." To cut a long story short, what Obama did is treason, he should be trialed and then executed. (NB: There are rumors that Obama is a closet queer, a shirt-lifter/poop - jabber, and that his wife, Michelle, is transgender (that is, biologically male, but identifying as, and presenting as, a female). Well nothing would surprise me when it comes to Obama, including the fact he is a sexual deviant. As for the claim that his wife is a tranny, I decided to research the issue on the internet. Ultimately I found two detailed videos that each set out the evidence they believe confirms that "She is a he". I would say that after carefully watching these videos, I am 90% sure that they are right - that Michelle Obama is biologically male. I thought most compelling evidence was in the shape and size of the musculature of her upper torso and arms. In particular, there is a large back muscle called the trapezius[/I;, when you "shrug" you are activating two sections (one for each shoulder) of the trapezius. If you press two fingers into the muscle above your right or left shoulder blades and, say, an inch or two from your neck, this is the section of the trapezius I'm referring to. In most healthy men this region of the trapezius is conspicuous, in women it is very much smaller in size (unless they are women who are body-builders, etc). I could swear that in Michelle Obama these sections of thetrapezius muscle very distinctively male; normal, average women simply do not have this region of the trapezius developed in the way Michelle Obama did. It's a small detail, I guess, but I think it's very significant. Anyway, when I was considering all of this it occurred to me that if Obama is gay, then Michelle must be boning him up the ass, I allowed a mental image of that to form in my head and totally grossed myself out. I had to go and take a cold shower!).


So. To continue.

America's Presidents are not demigods who are incapable of error or sin. They were and are all human beings, just like you and me, they make mistakes and they fuck things up, even the very best ones like "Honest Abe". They aren't perfect. Nixon screwed up when he tried "white wash" Watergate. What was "Watergate"? A third-rate, botched burglary that even wouldn't make the news today. The great irony is that although Nixon did know the five guys who were caught breaking into the Watergate Hotel complex (the were trying to get into the DNC offices in there to see what they could find), he didn't know that they had pulled this stunt. It ended up costing him his career ( facing impeachment, he resigned in 1974 , which was a shame because Nixon achieved a lot of big wins for the US while he was in office. I'm pleased to see that his reputation is steadily being rehabilitated. As for moral foibles like the sex addictions that JFK and Bill Clinton had, perhaps they were both notorious "horndogs" for reasons beyond their conscious control ? Maybe they were born with congenital, testicular hypertrophy and for most of their adult lives had abnormally large quantities of testosterone pumping through their systems ? With the exception of Obama who was purely immoral ("bad to the bone") and despised America -(by America, I mean the United States, and by the United States I mean the great, White, Protestant project - the RADICAL political experiment - that was designed and launched in 1776, whose daring goal was to create a Republic grounded on individual liberty. Obama wanted to destroy that America - to "burn down the house". Why? Because he was a Marxist and Black racist who hated whites and the West.

You would think Americans had learned from there experience with Obama, that Black Presidents are not a good idea. But no, now there is another Black American who is contesting the Presidency in the form of Kamala Harris. If Biden wins the November 3rd election, Harris will effectively be the POTUS, because Sleepy Joe Biden is non compos mentis, I doubt he can't even wipe his own ass anymore. How Americans ever allowed their national politics to get to the stage where a brain-damaged zombie is running for President I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA it is one of the most bizarre and frightening developments in American political history I have ever seen or read about and there is no excuse for it whatever. To continue, AMERICA WILL HAVE A RADICALLY LEFT, LYING CONNIVING, BACK-STABBING, BLACK WHORE IN THE WHITE HOUSE That will be a first.


Can you imagine how many men Kamala Harris has fucked in her quest for power. Can you imagine how many times this cum dumpster has hawked her fork to get to where she is ?

Harris never married until she was 50, in 2014. The reason for this is probably that she didn't want to be encumbered by a husband and kids as she spread her legs to ascend the ranks of California politics.

Kamala Harris is the #Empowered, amoral, modern feminist par excellence. Forgoing marriage and motherhood to "focus on her career" and fucking her way to political power while pretending to be a #Strong#Independent woman.

The stakes are clear: the Democratic Party intends to disgrace the White House by making a radical socialist WHORE the American President.

The Founding Fathers and men like "Honest Abe" are spinning in their graves knowing that Kamala Harris - WHO HAS BEEN PLOUGHED MORE TIMES THAN A KANSAS CORN FIELD !! - might become POTUS[/B]

This is truly a tragic sign of Western Civilization's decline. The White (Western European) alpha male is now pathologized and villified, while a Black, socialist WHORE could (God Forbid ! God Forbid !) be rewarded with the Presidency of the United States of America. It doesn't bear thinking about !!

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Sooooo, Trump can cheat on three wives and payoff a porn star, and state on a tape that it’s alright to sexually assault women, but you have a problem with Kamala. :laugh:
These nazis really are weird, aren't they? Perhaps they should find someone literate from amongst their ranks (if there are any) and have them actually read Marx. This vacant racist blather from Dirtydog is unbelievably stupid.
' Smut me, baby '

Sooooo, Trump can cheat on three wives and payoff a porn star, and state on a tape that it’s alright to sexually assault women, but you have a problem with Kamala. :laugh:

Sooooo, you don't understand that when Trump fucks around, he does it for pleasure - for fun. It's a purely physical thing, If it's safe sex and consensual there's no harm it. Ideally, men who are married in the Christian Church should not have sex with anyone but their wife, but not every married man is perfect, many of them give into the temptation of fucking a nice piece of ass if its on offer and their defenses are down.

No one knows the background of the "Stormy Daniels" story. I think Trump DID have sex with her, but I also think that being an actress (porn actress) she would have been the instigator of the tryst. She would have been the one who initially approached Trump and then ENTICED him into having a sexual relationship. She probably figured that there was money to be made in blacking Trump, (and she was right) so I would categorize her as a whore. I mean, porn actresses aren't likely to be the most ethical people on Earth are they ??

Prostitutes (whores) don't fuck for fun, they fuck for payment be it in the form of money or some other type of valuable good or service. Prostitution is an immoral business and Kamala Harris is a prostitute - A WHORE - (and a very devious, calculating, cold-blooded and conniving one at that).

When Trump was taped saying that women would let him grab them by the pussy. Note the word "LET". None of the women he grabbed by the pussy complained - they had no problem with it, therefore it was not legally sexual assault. They were essentially whores, who figured that if they let the boss grab them by the pussy and didn't complain, it would put them in his good books and they might be able to gain valuable favors, etc.

Sooooo, Trump can cheat on three wives and payoff a porn star, and state on a tape that it’s alright to sexually assault women, but you have a problem with Kamala. :laugh:

Doxiedog embodies every single negative trait of RWs, from misogyny to racism to downright ugliness.
Sooooo, you don't understand that when Trump fucks around, he does it for pleasure - for fun. It's a purely physical thing, If it's safe sex and consensual there's no harm it. Ideally, men who are married in the Christian Church should not have sex with anyone but their wife, but not every married man is perfect, many of them give into the temptation of fucking a nice piece of ass if its on offer and their defenses are down.

No one knows the background of the "Stormy Daniels" story. I think Trump DID have sex with her, but I also think that being an actress (porn actress) she would have been the instigator of the tryst. She would have been the one who initially approached Trump and then ENTICED him into having a sexual relationship. She probably figured that there was money to be made in blacking Trump, (and she was right) so I would categorize her as a whore. I mean, porn actresses aren't likely to be the most ethical people on Earth are they ??

Prostitutes (whores) don't fuck for fun, they fuck for payment be it in the form of money or some other type of valuable good or service. Prostitution is an immoral business and Kamala Harris is a prostitute - A WHORE - (and a very devious, calculating, cold-blooded and conniving one at that).

When Trump was taped saying that women would let him grab them by the pussy. Note the word "LET". None of the women he grabbed by the pussy complained - they had no problem with it, therefore it was not legally sexual assault. They were essentially whores, who figured that if they let the boss grab them by the pussy and didn't complain, it would put them in his good books and they might be able to gain valuable favors, etc.


You don't know that any woman "LET" trump grab them by the pussy; you're just taking the words of a liar as fact.